Thursday, September 27, 2012

A Great Event!

If you have been a reader of my blog for any amount of time, you know there is one thing I am passionate about...connecting military spouses.  An organization that is very near and dear to my heart, Wives of Faith, has been a tool for me to do just that. 

There is an upcoming event, Tour of Duty Live, that I wanted to share with each of you who may be (or know someone who is) a military spouse.  This event is a weekend retreat for military spouses with Wives of Faith founder Sara Horn, author of GOD Strong and the popular deployment Bible study Tour of Duty  who will lead us in studying God’s Word and applying it to our daily lives. Come get recharged and refreshed.

Registration Information
What: Tour of Duty Live, a weekend of Bible teaching led by Sara Horn and worship led by Andrew Mackert.
Where: Baring Cross Baptist Church
7541 Warden Rd.
Sherwood, AR 72120

Friday, 6 to 9 p.m.
Saturday, 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m (Lunch is included)
Cost: $25 registration fee includes copy of Tour of Duty and lunch on Saturday.
Childcare: Free childcare will be offered for children 5 and younger.
What previous Tour of Duty Live participants say:
"Oh my goodness - God's timing is so cool! We would discuss something over a meal than our session would address it! Even as a 10-year veteran - it was applicable." ~ Adrienne M., Army wife
"I feel like this conference was written just for ME! There were so many things covered that helped me in so many ways. Thank you! This conference has really been a blessing to me and my whole family. I needed this time to get refocused on what truly matters. Living for Him. Thank you so much!" ~ Liz B., Army wife
"Everything lesson/devotion wise was just wonderful. I really felt God working every time we met. Every lesson gave me an important view, new way of thinking, encouragement, and taught me what I felt like I needed to work on....such a wonderful experience. I needed this so much and it was a true blessing." ~ Ashley D., Army wife
Check it out if you are near this area....I am sure you will benefit from this retreat!


Thursday, September 20, 2012

There is no doubt in my mind that our most effective ministry comes out of our deepest hurts....

Trusting in that knowledge and comfort always :)


Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Remembering today....

Remembering that horrific, scary day 11 years ago....

Honoring those who lost their lives.....

Honoring those who continue serve our great nation.

I wanted to share with my readers my brother's facebook status this morning....

"Today is a day that changed many peoples life's! I can remember like yesterday the thought that came to mind when I seen what had just happen! I have been a lucky person to step on a battle field with many great soldiers, because of poor judgement of another man, some my friends, some my family, and some my brothers that where made from trust, honor, respect, and loyalty! Because of ones poor judgement I have seen, done, and been places no man, woman, or child should ever have too, and lost not only fellow Americans yet fellow soldiers! Which ways on my heart heavy everyday to know I'm safe and alive because of their sacrifices! I ask that today that you remember not only the people that we lost that day but also the ones we have lost defending the Americans from 9-11-01!"

May we always remember and honor those lost on 9-11 and those whom we have lost in defense of this nation.  Thankful to the brave men and women of this country who continue to sacrifice so much to serve and defend.  Thankful for my husband and my brother for their service in multiple deployments...their commitment will not be forgotten.

May God comfort all the victim's families today and may God Bless America!


Monday, September 10, 2012

Some thoughts today...

This morning, while having some quite time, this verse really stood out to me....

"Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. " Romans 12:12

So, I broke it down a little bit in my thoughts and wanted to share....

Rejoice in hope -  be happy in our confidence, rejoice in our confident hope.  Hope - that is in the hope of eternal life - remember that right now is just temporary...this life is just temporary, but our confidence/trust can be placed in the eternal hope

be patient in tribulation -  tribulation = affliction - knowing that when I suffer as a Christian it is suffering for Christ's sake.  Being patient implies steadfastness - enduring all that may be appointed - trusting that in these life interruptions there is a purpose.

be constant in prayer -  it is important  (necessary) to be in a spirit of prayer.  Constant = persistent (keep on praying)

May this verse bring comfort to you as it has for me :)


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

This is my life verse...I have claimed it so often.  It touches my heart and brings such comfort and peace to me.  I have been clinging to it a lot over the last week.  I know and trust in the plan that the Lord has for our family...I may not understand and I may be going through a slew of emotions (from sad to angry) but I know that the Lord has great plans for us...and I am relying on that faith. 

I hope that this verse may bring comfort to you too in what ever your struggle or situation may be. :)
