Thursday, August 22, 2013

Update on #3

I have been meaning to provide an update on Baby #3, but life has been very busy with school starting back and all of us trying to get use to our new routines. 

I went to my first appointment last week.  J and I were so excited about this appointment and getting to see our new baby.  There is just something about being able to see the baby and the heartbeat that makes everything so real.  (not that the crummy sickness I have been dealing with has not let me know this is real, lol).  I got my due date - March 31.  Which was right around what I was guessing.  It will be our first spring time baby.  Having babies in August and November, I am looking forward to pregnancy in cooler months.  We were able to see the baby on the ultrasound.  Baby looked great and was measuring exactly the right size.  We are able to see little arm and leg buds - oh it was just precious (and of course brought tears to my eyes) We were also able to see the baby's heart beating.  Baby had a very strong heart rate - 170. 

Everything concerning the baby looked perfect....

Then there is me....

I have debated whether or not to share this information.  We have shared this with our parents, but have not made a public announcement or even told the kids.  After much thought, I have decided to share this news because the more prayers we can get, the better. 

During the ultrasound, after the dr. finished looking at our baby, he zoomed in on a dark region next to the baby.  He was taking pictures of it and measurements.  I had no idea what was going on, but could tell the mood in the room was changing.  The dr. then had me sit up so we could talk.  He informed us that I have a rather large blood clot right next to the baby (he rattled off a big long word for it, but basically it is just a blood clot).  Of course, my immediate concern is for the baby.  The dr. informed us that this is just a rare condition that forms (leave it to me to be rare).  He went on to say that this is an "All or none situation" When he said those words, I seriously felt sick at my stomach.  He said by all or none he means the clot can slowly go away on its own and everything with the pregnancy will continue as normal, or it can rupture which would result in a miscarriage.  The dr. was very reassuring that it was nothing I have done to cause this, just a rare condition.  He was also very reassuring because the baby looked so good.  The Dr. placed me on limited physical activity which means no zumba or kickboxing for me, but I can do light walking.  So, I have been trying to take it easy...which is not too hard because I am too tired to do anything, lol. 

I will admit that the first couple days after getting this news my heart was so heavy.  But I trust in the plan that God has for this baby.  Jer. 29:11 tells us that "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, to give you a future and a hope." I know that none of this is a mistake.  I know He has a plan for this situation and a plan for our precious baby.  I trust in His timing and His plan.  Of course  I am praying that this clot will go away on its own and not cause any harm to our baby. 

If there is a positive about me having this condition it is that now I am being closely monitored which means I get to return sooner and have another ultrasound to see our baby. 

So, if you think about it, say a little prayer for our baby to remain healthy and not be affected by this blood clot. And that God would be so inclined to just remove this blood clot and when I return for my next appointment, it will no longer be there. 

Hope everyone has a blessed day,


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

It's Back to School Time

Yesterday was the first day back to school for kiddos in our area.  Hard to believe that summer is officially over for us and the hustle and bustle of fall/school is now upon us. 

The kids were very excited to get back to school.  They were excited to meet their new teachers and see who will be in their classes. 

Here is their picture before we loaded up in the car to go to the school:

Miss Madeline...our first grader!  She loves cheerleading (she is currently taking tumbling and on a competition cheer squad), chevron, everything glittery and sparkly, riding her bike, and baking.  She is so excited for first grade and that she will have her brother's first grade teacher.

Mr. Jack ..... our big third grader!  How is that even possible???? Jack is looking forward to 3rd grade because several of his friends are in his class and because in 3rd grade, they change classes. (just between two teachers, but never the less, it is changing classes)  Jack loves everything about baseball (he is currently in a throwing class and was just picked up for a fall travel team), he loves Alabama football (thanks to his daddy), his favorite subject in school is math and science.  He also enjoys playing his video games.

I am excited to see what the school year has to hold for these sweet kiddos.  I look forward to watching them learn, grow, and make new friends.  I pray for them each day that God will protect their precious little hearts.  That He will guide them and instruct them.  And that they will go in to each day remembering "Triple G"  Give God the Glory (in everything they do, I pray they give God the glory)
