Monday, December 30, 2013

Some of our Holiday fun

The Christmas holiday brings a lot of fun and a lot of cheer, but it also brings a lot go-go-go rush feeling.

This Christmas had a little different feeling than previous years.  Life has been so hectic this year.  We've had many life changing events going on this year that I do plan to share about those soon. But first I wanted to share some of Christmas fun :)

Here are some pictures of Christmas with family:

During our family Christmas in TN, my relatives also had gifts for baby Will.  The kids enjoyed helping me open the gifts.  Baby Will  got some really great things!

the kids got some really great gifts for Christmas - from jewelry making to baseball gear:

During the Christmas break, Madeline also got to enjoy time with friends making a gingerbread house:

We also were able to take the children to see A Christmas Carol - they enjoyed it so much:

Whew...there are so many more pictures, but I think that is enough for this post.

I do hope that all of you are having a wonderful Christmas holiday.  Enjoy this precious time with your family and friends!
