
Monday, February 17, 2014

Baby #3 Update

Just realized I have not shared any baby updates in a while.

Pregnancy is going good.  I can not get over how fast it has gone.  I guess keeping up with all our activities does not leave much time for anything else...boy how crazy life is going to be when we throw a new wee little one in to the mix. 

I am at 34 weeks now.  Less than 6 weeks until my due date.  I have not ever made it to my due date before.  Although, I have joked that this child is going to be the one to go past due date (oh goodness how I -and J - hope not) I am trying to convince the little man that arriving the week of spring break would be ideal....lets see if he listens to momma or has a mind of his own??? 

All of my check ups have been going fairly well.  Weight gain has been good, especially since I have been on limited activity this pregnancy (meaning no exercising), my bp has been normal every visit except last one when it was actually low so I am just keeping a check on that, Baby heart rate has been great (he is such an active little fellow), and no changes in blood clot.  Will is head down so that is good news as well.  As due date approaches I do have questions about the clot and how that is going to effect delivery.  Of course I am praying for no effect at all so we shall see. I have my last bi weekly appointment this week then it is time to move on to the weekly appointments.  YAY!

Here are a few pictures to share:

This is me last week at 33 weeks:

We have been doing a lot of rearranging in the house to prepare for Baby Will.  J got me a new wood closet organizer for our closet.  Here is a pic of him putting it together.  It is all together and I am just about finished putting the closet in order (there was a lot of cleaning out that had to be done first).  I will share the process soon!

J found this amazing wardrobe at the thrift store near his work.  It is by broyhill and it matches our bedroom furniture.  He got it for baby Will to use as a closet for now. 

For now, Jack and Will are going to share a bedroom.  We have a full finished basement, but no way is Jack ready to move down there (nor am I ready for him to either)  Because of the limited space, we thought building Jack a loft bed would maximize the space in his room and give him his own little area free of baby brother for the time being.  I could not find a bed that I like and was in the budget so we decided the best thing to do was to build it ourselves.  The whole family got in on the project.  Below is a picture of the preparing process.  I finished the last coat of paint on it this past weekend so today is assembly day.  I will share this finished project soon as well.

So, I think that is about all that has been going on prep wise around here.  In addition to all this, baseball is starting up again and Madi is trying out for a new competition cheer team....did I mention life is wild??? Hold on baby Will life is fun and never dull around here!


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Photo Shoot

A very sweet friend of mine took some maternity photos for me a couple weeks ago.
I am so thankful to have such talented friends who will take pictures for me to document this exciting time in our lives.

Here is a sampling of the pictures she took:

my mom is so crafty!  she made this sash for me!

we have less than 8 weeks till baby Will's due date!  I can not believe how quickly it is approaching!!! 


Monday, February 3, 2014

The Dusting of 2014

Last week we got some something we do not get very often around our area...snow!

Usually when the "s" word is even mentioned for our area, people run to the store for milk and bread.  No, I am not one of those people, but it really does happen. 

Well, last week it was predicted that our area would get just a "dusting" of snow.  It was not predicted to be much and it was not predicted to cause any problems at all. (Ha...missed that forecast by several inches)

Tuesday morning, the conditions must have been just right because as soon as the flurries started to fall, they immediately stuck to the ground and started to ice the roadway.  Next thing I knew school was calling for early dismissal.   I still was not believing it was going to be anything major, just the school being cautious which was fine with me because that meant the kiddos could be home with me.

Then, I looked outside and realized that the roads were not looking good and decided to go ahead and leave to get my babies from school.  Boy, I am glad I did.  It normally is about a 10 minute drive to the kids school, but it took me over an hour to get there and back home.  We live at the top of a fairly steep hill and I barely made it up the hill.  I knew once I got up that hill, I was not getting back out in my car. 

J works about an hour from home so he left work around the same time I left to get the kids.  What would normally take him an hour to get home, ended up taking about 4 hours to get home.  The last 6 miles of his drive he was not able to complete so he had to park his car and walk the rest of the way home.  It was really the safest option because the road we live off of was already closed and he would not have been able to make it anyway. 

What was suppose to be just a dusting of snow turned out to be over 3 inches of snow on top of about 1/2 inch of ice.  The kids were out of school for the remainder of the week and J was home from work.  The roads were closed and we were happy to just stay at home and play and be lazy and snack. 

Below are some pictures of our dusting:

View from our yard:

J walking up the hill to come home.  We were so happy to see his face!:

Jack made a snow angel:

Madeline made one too:

J and Madeline tried to build a snowman but the snow was too powdery to form into a snowman:

Day 2
Madeline and J ready to explore:

We did not have a sled, so J created one for us out of an old sign.  It worked perfectly for sliding down our iced over hill:

Madeline and me:

Madeline riding in an inner tube down the hill in our backyard:

Jason had to get in on the fun too:

of course Jack did too:

My loves:

Jack and J:

Jack and me:


Madi carrying around a block of ice (I am pretty sure she tried to throw it on her daddy):

We enjoyed the snow days we had and are very glad we got to enjoy playing in it and missing school, but this southern girl has definitely had her feel of snow and is ready for spring to get here. 
