Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Maya, Cash, Elizabeth, Noah, and Jackson
Easter 2005

Elizabeth, Noah, Blevin, Cash, and Jackson
Easter 2006

Elizabeth, Jackson, Noah, Hannah Grace, and Cash
Easter 2007

Cash, Jackson, Elizabeth, and Noah
Easter 2008

It is so sweet to look back over the past 4 Easter's and see how much my son and his friends have changed. It goes by so fast. Shouldn't they all still be babies? Oh, I know I am not the 1st mommy to think this way, so I will quit reflecting.

Easter is such a sweet time. A time to reflect on the ultimate price that Jesus paid for me. A sinner who is so undeserving of such a gift! There is nothing i have done or could ever do to earn it and I certainly do not deserve it, but it has been given. WOW! What a gift! GRACE!

Last week during my bible study times with Jackson I tried (tried being the key word here) to discuss with Jackson the true meaning of Easter. Most of the time he wanted to "race", but sometimes he would respond (or just repeat what I told him) I thought I will just keep at it and maybe he'll catch something I've said. Well, we went to one Easter egg hunt and saw the Easter bunny and from then on Easter is about hunting eggs with prizes in them and seeing bunnies. One time! That's all it took. Ok, so maybe I am expecting way too much out of him. He's only 3 1/2 and far from an age of understanding. So I quickly reminded him of the true meaning of Easter-that we celebrate not for chocolate or candy-filled baskets, but for the ultimate price Jesus paid on the cross to wash away our sins so that we may spend eternity with Him.

So what am I learning? That training a child in the way of the Lord is not easy. It is time consuming. But it is so worth every minute of it! What could be more important?

Easter was hard. It was our 1st Holiday (of many more to come) without Jason. We missed him a lot, but find comfort in knowing that a 15 month deployment is nothing compared to eternity. I continue to cling to God's word-it is really the only thing I find comfort in. I am so greatful I have it. I continue to pray for God to strengthen me, to use this time a part to strengthen my marriage, for God to grow me in this journey, but ultimately for God to be glorified.

Jason is still in Ft. Bragg. He is busy with training. He has been doing land navigation, getting shots, and today went through the gas chamber. He said he did have a stuffy nose, but after the gas chamber his head is completely cleared out. (I think I will just stick to OTC meds) There is a possibility Jason will get a 4 day pass. We are just waiting on a confirmation on the dates.

Enjoy the pictures of how our babies have grown over the past 4 Easters ;)
I am trying to put a slide show on of our Easter pictures so be looking for it.



  1. WOW! how fast those little ones grow!

  2. im with abigail. they have grown up tooo fast. seems like no time ago when all of yall were pregnant with them. love you jessica
