Monday, March 17, 2008

A Hero's Lunch

There was a Farewell Ceremony in Tampa today for the deploying soldiers. I am including some pictures from it as well as a link to the news story. We were not able to attend this ceremony since it was in Tampa, but hope to see Jason while he is in Ft. Bragg. In the group picture Jason is on the front row just to the right of the center. The other picture is the back of Jason's head. Jason said it was a great lunch. It makes me so proud that these soldiers were treated to such a wonderful meal before they leave. Enjoy the pictures and clink on the link to see the news story (you may have to right click on the address and paste it then double click the video to start the video)YOu can see all the pictures at (this site will allow you to see them larger than here on the blog)

1 comment:

  1. Your hubby is such a brave hero!
    We are proud of him!
