Monday, September 29, 2008

A New Look and an Update...

Notice anything different??? The blog has been given a "facelift" :) My very sweet friend LeighAnne held a contest on her blog and the winner would receive a blog makeover...well I was the winner! Yay!

Thank you LeighAnne for giving my blog a fresh new look! I love it!!!

Now for the update...
After my last post I have received several emails and phone calls from people who thought Jason was coming home soon. First let me say that we do not have any orders indicating an earlier date. BUT Jason will be taking a 2 week R&R during the holiday's. At first we were going to forgo the R&R because we were afraid it would be too hard on the kids, but we need it. It will be hard to say good-bye again, but I can not focus on good-bye, I must focus on how wonderful it will be to have him home for 2 weeks. :)
We are 2 days away from the offical halfway point of this deployment. We are 7 1/2 months down. We are offically on the down hill side of this deployment. :) And you better believe I am doing a "happy" dance to mark the half-way point. The last 7 1/2 months has been hard for our family, but we have made it through each day because of the grace of our Father.


  1. Love the new blog! So cute!

    I know you can't wait to see Jason. And I bet he can't wait to see yoU!

  2. I love the new look. it is much brighter and happy looking like you! :) See you Thursday.

  3. Yay - I am so glad you like your new look! :) I think it looks precious too! I am so happy that Jason will be home during the holidays. I don't think you will regret having him home one bit. Even though I know it will be hard when he has to go back. It will give you new memories to savor while you wait out the remaining few months! Hope you are having a great day. Love you! LA

  4. love the blog friend!

  5. I love the blog makeover....Looks great!!

