Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Star Student

Jackson is the "Star Student" this week at his school. He has been so excited all week to go t0 school. As the "star student" he gets to be the line leader, pass out napkins at snack time, among other fun duties :) Jackson also gets to bring a snack to class to represent the letter they are learning for the week. This weeks letter is "O" So we chose oreos (one of my personal faves with a big glass of milk) (sorry Kadle, the octopus hot dogs were a great idea, but I just don't have the time)

Here is Jack with his letter "O" snack. You can just see the excitement in his face :)

As the "star student" Jack took several pictures of himself to school to hang on the wall.


  1. proud of you buddy!! I Love You! Daddy

  2. I understand the whole time factor. You can never go wrong with oreos. Hope Jacksons has a great Star Student Week!!! Kadle

  3. Cheers to Jackson! He's so cute!
    Hope you are all staying warm!

  4. how fun!! where is it again that he goes? (just checking out the options for later) :)

  5. Layne ~ He goes to St Marks...we love it there!

  6. So proud of you Jackson! I think the Oreos were the right choice!

    Much Love!

  7. Congratulations Jackson!!! I know you have enjoyed being "THE Star" this week! I can't believe how grown he is!! Love y'all Allie

  8. Jackson enjoy your week. You are a STAR to me everyday!
