Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

When I think on Mother's Day, I think about a few things. I think about the wonderful mother that I have been blessed with. Mom, you have taught me so much and for that I am so thankful. I think about the wonderful mother-in-law, grandmothers, and other mommies in my life who have had such an impact in my life. But most of all on mother's day, I think about how God committed Jack and Madi to Jason and me to care for, to educate, to love, to instruct, to guide, to discipline, all to raise them up to be children of God. It is not always the easiest job, but it is the one I want. And each day, I pray that God will guide me and instruct me how to raise my children to bring honor and glory to Him.

Jack and me at the mother's day brunch that Jack's pre-school hosted. It was so sweet. The children performed a little song for us and then gave us some gifts they made. Jack gave me a spoon full of kisses (one of my favorite candies), a pot holder with his hand print on it (cutest thing ever!) and a cookbook full of recipes provided by the children of the pre-school. Here are Jackson's recipes:

She takes it out of the freezer and cooks it in the oven for 8 hours.

Roll them up in a ball and cook them in the oven for 30 years. Eat them with noodles.

How stinkin cute is that!?!

Below is a video of Jack's pre-school performing a little song. Of course the song was almost over by the time my camera started recording it, but I think you can get the idea =). Enjoy the video...and remember...pause the music player at the bottom before playing the video.

Happy Mother's day!



  1. Happy Mothers Day Jessica! Your pictures are too sweet and I love the little video of Jackson singing...


  2. happy mother's day!!! what you said is so true... it's not always the easiest job, but it's the one i want too!!! :)

  3. What beautiful pictures! Who did those?!?
    Happy Mother's Day! I hope you had a great day today!!

  4. kim~ thank you =) and Happy Mother's day to you!

    Layne~ Happy Mother's day to you too!

    Nancy~thank you...Abigail Acker that we go to church with took them (she is sooo talented and only 15!)

  5. I love the pictures with scripture! They are beautiful!

    I hope you had a GREAT Mother's Day!

  6. oh honey, I am just now seeing your Mother's Day Blog. You are so sweet, thank you so much honey, I love you and your family and your brother more than life itself. Jessica, I am so proud of you. I have always been proud of you growing up your entire life but honey, I could never have dreamed to be blessed with such a beautiful christian daughter that has become the most wonderful mommy two my two special grandbabies and wife to Jason. I thank the lord for giving me such a beautiful special daughter. HAPPY MOMMIES DAY! Love you honey. MOM! :)
