Friday, May 22, 2009

Show Us Where You Live ~ Dining Room

Welcome to this weeks edition of "Show Us Where You Live" Today we will be touring the dining room.
Our dining room is opened up to our living room:

Right now, I have the table decorated with this southern living at home tray with some candles. I try to decorate with the seasons, but just have not seemed to find the time to change it out yet...maybe I will get to that one day =)

I bought this chair at an antique auction...right now I just have it in the corner because I am not really sure where to put it yet.

Well, I hope you enjoyed the tour of our dining room. Thanks for stopping by =)



  1. I love your dining room, so warm and inviting!! i love how you used your southern living tray on the table!!

  2. Love the chairs for your table and the little accent window above the larger windows. Very pretty room.


  3. Beautiful dining room. I love your table and hutch. Neat antique chair too!

  4. Very pretty room! I love your corner chair, I have always thought those were so cool!
    Happy Memorial Day weekend!

  5. Love the stuff on your table~ So pretty!
