My little sweeties =)
Entering the dreaded corn maze. 8)
Jason pulling the kids through the corn maze.
ugh...the corn maze...we did not ever find the exit...nope, we just cut through the corn and made our own exit
Meme and the kids in the corn maze...sure they are smiling in this picture, but in their mind they are thinking "are we ever going to get out of this maze?"
The kids climbing up Hay Mountain.
Jack and Madi sitting on top of Hay Mtn.
Madeline feeding some animals in the petting zoo.
Jack and Madi checking out the baby calf.
Jack and me enjoying our day at the pumpki patch.
check out that face on Madi! HA!! Do you think she was happy????
My mom with me and the kids.
Madeline and me on the hay ride to the pumpkin patch.
Jason and the kids enjoying the hay ride.
Jack is so excited to get to the pumpkin patch.
Madeline enjoyed the ride...and picking up the hay and throwing it =)
Jack trying to help Madi choose a pumpkin...this was a task because she could not make her mind up.
Madeline is soooo proud of her find (it took forever but she finally made her choice) I wish you could of heard her when we would take her picture. As soon as we pulled out the camera, Madeline as loud as she could would scream "CHEESE" Everyone around would laugh =)
Even though Madeline had made her choice, she was still searching for the "great" pumpkin.
Jack is so proud of his find too! I must share this story. Jack got that white pumpkin just for me...seriously...I had made the comment on the hay ride that I wanted to find a white pumpkin. Well as soon as we got to the pumpkin patch, Jack went right out and found the perfect white pumpkin and brought it to me. How sweet is that?
The kids and me after we picked our pumpkins...can you see the mud on our shoes??? (and all over Madi???)
The kids and Jason
Why can I never seem to capture both kids looking at the camera at the same time??? You should have seen us dancing around trying to get their attention =)
My handsome little Jack showing off his pumpkin.
Madeline taking a break from all the walking to ride in the wagon with the pumpkins.
Jack and Madeline riding in the wagon with some of our pumpkins.
Jason and Jack roasting some hot dogs and marshmellows.
Meme and Madeline roasting hot dogs and marshmellows.
Madeline eating her smores. =)
Jack eating his smores.
We had so much fun trying to get out of the corn maze, going through the petting zoo, taking a hay ride, choosing our pumpkin, and roasting our own dinner. =)
**Just in case you are wondering I did all my photo editing on picnik.com ...love that site! (and an added bonus it is FREE...you can buy the premium pkg, but I just use the basic stuff b/c it is free)
Love the pictures! Glad you all had such a good time! We are planning to head to a pumpkin patch on Saturday! Cant wait! Your post got me in the spirit. =)
I just knew you had been "picnicking". Cute pics!!! Puts me in the mood for fall!!!!
Cute pictures! I love picnik when I have the time to play with pictures! I can get on there and spend WAY too much time though. Looks like yall had a great time!
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