Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veterans Day 09

On this Veterans Day, let us not forget to remember all the men and women who have served and are currently serving this great nation. If it was not for their selfless service, this country could not exist with the freedoms that we enjoy and take for granted. Veterans, your remarkable ability and willingness to serve bring tremendous pride. So thank you, thank you for being a part of something bigger than yourselves.

I wanted to make sure the kids understood how very important it is to show support to all our troops, so I took them to our town's Veterans Day Parade. It was actually a really good parade and the kids enjoyed it.

Jack and Madeline waiting on the parade to start.

I love this picture of the kids. I love how they are anxiously waiting on the parade to get to our end.

The kids had A LOT of questions about this float.

Noah and Jack waving.

Hannah Grace and Madeline waving.

The kids after the parade. (Madi, Lily, Hannah Grace, Noah, and Jack)

After the parade, we took the kids to get ice cream. Check out that big smile =)

Tonight for dinner, we went to Applebee's (along with everyone else in our town) and took part in the free meal for Veterans. My brother joined us along with our friends the Wade family. It is SO WONDERFUL of Applebee's to offer a free meal to veterans!

Me, Jack, Madi, Jason, and my brother Jeremy (sorry for the extreme close up of me)



  1. I am so glad we went today. :) Thanks for calling.


    Where is the pic of Madi barfing up your hot chocolate all over her white shirt?? HUH...where is it?

  2. Happy Veterans Day Jason & Jeremy!!
