Wednesday, February 10, 2010

In One Day...

Monday night I was hit with the stomach bug...YUCK! It was not fun...but it is over. Thank goodness it was just a 24 hour event =)

No worries...I am not going to do a post on the joy of having stomach bug, but I am going to share with you what happens when I am sick and can not take care of the everyday housework for just one day.

In just one day...

the laundry piles up... A Lot...I have one (full) load already in the washer so imagine this pile doubled. Seriously, we are just a family of 4.

In just one day...

the dishes pile up in the sink. Yes, we have a dishwasher conveniently located right next to the sink, but it was full of clean dishes. So instead of the dishes being unloaded and put away so the dirty ones could be placed in there, lets just let them pile up. =) I am happy they were at least cleared from the table. ;)

In just one day....
Madeline is still wearing the same pj's (today-Wednesday) that she had on when she went to bed Monday night. Poor child, but she does not seem to mind.

In just one day...
Jack has played more video games than I would allow for a whole week. Oh well...he really does not seem to mind.

Jason did take care of me though which is very appreciated. (I wished I would have taken a picture of him...he had his nose covered by a shirt and a can a Lysol in hand..that he used A LOT)

I am happy to report that the 24 hour sickness is OVER..yay! So today I have washed 3 loads of laundry, unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher, washed the dishes that could not go in the washer, ironed J's shirts, and finally changed Madeline...and it is only 1 pm...I think I will rest now =)



  1. I hate those nasty 24 hr bugs. Glad to hear you are feeling better!

  2. Our lives are similar, my friend! So glad you are better! What a cute post!!

  3. I'm so glad you are feeling better. I actually got that twice during January. Dave used a whole can of Lysol...he sprayed everything in the house except for me and the kids! :)

  4. I am so glad you are better. I hope the kids and Jason stay well. My sink and laundry look like that everyday):

  5. You go Super Mom! Glad you're feeling better! Hate those stomach bugs!
