Wednesday, March 31, 2010

T-Ball Pics...finally

Well, blogger finally cooperated and I was able to upload the pictures from our first t-ball game this weekend. =)

Enjoy all the pics.

Warming up with daddy before the game

Jack and Daddy

Jack and Mommy

Jack and Madi with meme

Granna and Jack

Jack and Pops

Madeline blowing attempt to keep her entertained during the game =)

team prayer before the game

Waiting in the dug out ready for the game to start.

In the batters box...warming up

First time at bat. He got a hit!

First base

Second base

Playing his position...short stop


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

"God Is Really Old"

Yesterday, after reviewing some catechism's with the kids and talking about Easter, I let them play while I tried to conquer the ever growing pile of laundry. While they were playing this is the conversation I hear:

Jackson: "Hey sister, did you know that God is really old?"

Madi: "Oh yea, He is really old"

Jackson: "no, I mean really (emphasis on the really) old"

Madi: "oh, how old is He?"

Jackson: "He is 35! (said with great excitement) and that sister is REALLY old"

Oh, I could not help but laugh out loud...then call Jason and let him know that we are VERY close to being REALLY old. =)


Monday, March 29, 2010

First T Ball Game

This past weekend, we had Jack's very 1st tball game. It was So. Much. Fun!!!
we all enjoyed it so much and Jack loves playing tball!

Below are 2 videos from the game. The first video is a pre-game "go team" cheer and the second video is Jack getting his very first hit at a game!
Jack got a hit both times at bat. His first time on base, he made it to 3rd and was tagged out =( The second time, he made it home and scored a run! He loved that!!!
I have tried SEVERAL times to upload pictures from the game (and you know there are A LOT) but blogger is not cooperating at all. Is anyone else having trouble uploading pics to blogger???

Anywho...enjoy the videos (be sure to pause the music player at the bottom to fully enjoy them) I will continue to try to get the pictures to upload.

I also updated the recipe blog with a new recipe. Since this is the week leading up to Easter, I thought I would share some yummy side dishes that would compliment your dinner.


Sunday, March 28, 2010

Craft time

Since today is Palm Sunday, I wanted to do a little craft with the kids relating to the Palm Sunday story. We talked about what today is and we talked about the events leading up to Easter Sunday. I know that they may only be repeating to me what I taught them, but maybe, just maybe it is sinking in. =)

Below are some pictures of the kids making Palm leaves.

Madeline is so excited to get started.

Jack LOVES craft time!

Jack busy cutting away.

Daddy had to help Madi a little with her cutting.

Almost finished.

Like the nice boo-boo on Madi's nose??? Yea, my adventure seeking daughter thought it would be fun to take the cushions off the couches then jump from couch to couch...well...she missed a landing and this is the mark =) Let's hope it is gone by Easter. ;)

Jack's finished leaves.

Madi's finished leaves.

After we finished the leaves, I let the kids retell the Palm Sunday story to me and act out laying the leaves down...very cute.

So, what are some activities your family does to prepare for Easter Sunday?


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Wouldn't You...

Wouldn't you like to enjoy sound sleep like this???

I know I would!

Lil Miss is not...I not a morning person. She strongly dislikes having to wake up in the morning to take her brother to school. I am sure my neighbors often wonder what in the world is going on at our house if they hear her crying as I put her in the car. It is just simply that she is not ready to be up. She begs for me to leave her...uh yea right...not going to happen. Eventually she calms when we return home from dropping Jack at school. When we do return home...she gets in "mommy/daddy big bed", makes her a comfy spot (aka the entire bed) and she goes back to sleep. Even if I wanted to lay back down with her, I could not because she really does take the entire bed. Guess it is a good thing because it forces me to get things done (or play on the internet) ha!

I shared this photo on FB the other day and my dad commented he would pay good money for sleep like too, dad, me too! Who wouldn't???


Sunday, March 21, 2010


Sometimes in life we come across things that really grab our attention...whether it be good or bad.

Sometimes those things can be people who offer words of encouragement or hope.

Sometimes its someone who can understand and identify with where you are in life.

Sometimes its finding the perfect scripture.

Sometimes its just being still and allowing God to speak.

Sometimes those things, those moments, take hold of our attention and do not seem to let go.

After reading THIS POST by MRS. P I have had one of those serious grab your attention moments. I have not ever met this young woman except what I read in the blogging world and yet I can not stop thinking about (and praying) for her, for her daughter, for their family. I can not imagine her thoughts, feelings, pain right now. All I know is that my worst fear is now her reality.

As a military wife, I have learned some coping skills. I have learned how to "tune out" the news when they start speaking of causalities. It's not because I don't care because believe me I do and I pray daily for the safety of all our troops. But like I said, it's a coping skill. If I did not "tune it out" then my life would be consumed with fear. BUT when I read Mrs. P's post about her husband, a true hero, the bubble I have allowed myself to create has burst. I have a face, a family, to put with the tragic loss of a hero. I can not "tune it out". I ache for her. I know that there are no words that I can speak or write to take her pain away. All I know to do is pray for her, for their daughter, for their family. And so I do...I am...I will. Especially in the days, weeks and months to come. Grief does not have a time limit on it. So I will be praying for her, for the family. Please join me in praying for them. Pray for strength and grace that passes all understanding as they lay this hero to rest. Pray for that perfect peace that can only come from our Saviour. Pray that they will know that...that they will feel HIM even in these most difficult times.


Thursday, March 18, 2010

A Request...

My heart is breaking right now. I have tears streaming down my face right now for a young woman that I do not even know. A young woman whom I have not ever met. I feel a special connection to her because we share 2 common bonds...the life of a military wife and we are in the same sorority. I can not even begin to imagine the emotions she is feeling right now.

Please link over to THIS BLOG. Please lift this young woman and her new baby in prayers.


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

That Sneaky Little...

So how many of you had a sneaky little leprechaun play tricks in their house on St. Patricks Day???

We had one! He was super sneaky and super fast! We did not ever manage to catch him, but he sure did leave lots of messes and a few clues. =) He messed up my folded laundry, knocked over Madi's toy box, and messed up the kitchen. Below are a few pics:

He managed to get into the refrigerator and find the chocolate pudding. He must have heard us coming because he left the door open and took off! But he left us some footprints! The kids enjoyed following the footprints. ;)

The sneaky little leprechaun knocked over the kitchen chairs and he got into my purse. If he was looking for money, he was surely disappointed. haha

The kids had so much fun going through the clues that the leprechaun left behind for us. The footprints led outside, so off we went (in the rain) looking for the sneaky little leprechaun, but he was too fast for us. Our neighbor was outside so we warned her about the leprechaun (after the kids told her everything he did in our house...she was laughing so hard!)

Well...I am off to mop the kitchen floor...if you do happen to come across that sneaky little leprechaun, please tell him this mommy is not too excited about mopping the floor again ;)


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

And The Winner Is...

Below is a video of Jack and Madi selecting the winner of the FREE BLOG MAKEOVER CONTEST. I thought it would be cute to video them making the selection...and of course so everyone could see =)

Before I leave you to watch the video, I did want to let you know that Jenifer is working on creating me a blog button. (I know some of you mentioned that you would like one) As soon as it is available, I will let you know! =)

Congrats to CRYSTAL @ AllforDukeandMolly !!!!

Crystal be sure to send me an email ( so I can put you in touch with Jenifer


Monday, March 15, 2010


Who likes to win free stuff??? (me, me, me)

Who needs a blog makeover???

Who would like to win a FREE blog makeover???

My very dear friend JENIFER (the very talented lady who just made over my blog) is offering to make over one of your blogs for FREE!!!

Here are the rules:
1. TO ENTER: (possibility of 3 entries)
~leave a comment (1 entry)
~"follow" me (1 entry) your comment let me know that you are following or already a follower
~mention this contest on your blog with a link back here (1 entry) (make sure you let me know in a comment that you mentioned it on your blog
2. Contest ends at 7pm on Tuesday March 16 (remember you have a chance to enter up to 3 times)
3. Winner will be chosen randomly and announced after contest is closed. =)



Saturday, March 13, 2010

A New Blog

Just wanted to let everyone know that I started another BLOG dedicated to just my recipes. (click on the word blog to link right on over there)

Check it out...follow me...leave me a comment...=)

Thanks Crystal for teaching me the link thing =)

Oh and THANK YOU to everyone for the sweet comments about the new blog look! My dear friend JENIFER is the creative genuis behind it.

Have a great weekend and don't forget to Spring Forward!


Thursday, March 11, 2010

It's Springtime

and do you know what that means????

Time for spring decorating! =)

I bet you thought I was going to say spring cleaning didn't you??? No way...that is not fun and certainly not something I want to blog about...although, I will be cleaning those baseboards and closets VERY soon (like when J returns from training...I do not want him to miss out on any of the fun) (=

This week has been a llllooooonnnnnggggg week. (special emphasis on long) I forgot how draining it is to be a single parent. Hence the lack of blogs lately...whew...I am doing good just to keep up with the kids. HA! Things did slow down a little bit today, so I decided to pull out the spring/Easter decor (you know now that it is the middle of March) I did want to be able to enjoy it for a little while.

I tried to get the kids involved...Jack did not want any part of it, but Madeline was very eager to help. So she and I set out to spruce up the house with some springtime fun. =)

Below are some pictures of our decorations:

This is the dining room table before. The plant is from my granddaddy's funeral. I thought it was so pretty.

ahhh...blank slate...what shall we do???

I pulled out my boxes of decor and Madeline, being my wonderful assistant, took everything out.
(Oh and yes, she is in her pj's...yes it is the middle of the day. She and I had been running errands all morning while Jack was in school. On our way home, the first thing she said was "when I get home, I am putting on my jammies" My kind of girl!)

First step, put the spring runner down...yes, I probably should iron it, but who has time for that??? Eventually it will lay flat (I hope)

Second, place the candle sticks and iron wheelbarrow thingy (I am sure there is a better name for it, but this is the best I can come up with) HA!

Next up, place little faux nests on top of the candlesticks. I wanted to do something different than just candles. I saw these on clearance last year and snatched them up.

Arrange little bunny and duck figurines on table.

Place eggs in nest and scatter along the runner.

And here it dining room table all decorated for spring/Easter.

I placed a little wicker type bunny on the mantel.

Full view of the mantel.

Front door. I found this hanger at Dollar Tree (or as Madeline likes to call it "Dollar Treat") ha I thought it was pretty cute for a dollar. I do however want to replace it after Easter. I have a few ideas...I will share those soon.

Remember the plant at the beginning of my post??? The one from my granddaddy's funeral??? Well, the plants were quickly outgrowing the basket so I decided that Madeline and I would repot them. Of course Madeline loved this idea because it meant she got to play in the dirt. ha ha!
Below are the pictures of us repotting the plants:

The planter had 4 different plants in it. First, we took the ivy out and placed it in a pot.

It is now sitting on the dining room table in the iron wheelbarrow thingy. The little butterfly also came off the planter so I wanted to use it and I thought it worked great here.

Next plant repotted and is sitting on the kitchen table.

This one is sitting on top of a bookcase at the end of the kitchen cabinets. Yes, those are all cookbooks. No, they are not all of my cookbooks. ( I have 2 other cabinets full of cookbooks) Yes, they are mostly all Southern Living. Please, don't judge me...I do use all my cookbooks. I love them! =)

The 4th and final plant was really big and too big for any of my indoor planters, so I repotted it in a medium size planter and placed it on the deck. It looks kinda funny out there right now, because its the only plant...but hopefully I will get around to that soon. =)

Well hope you enjoyed our Springtime decorating.
