Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Wouldn't You...

Wouldn't you like to enjoy sound sleep like this???

I know I would!

Lil Miss is not...I repeat...is not a morning person. She strongly dislikes having to wake up in the morning to take her brother to school. I am sure my neighbors often wonder what in the world is going on at our house if they hear her crying as I put her in the car. It is just simply that she is not ready to be up. She begs for me to leave her...uh yea right...not going to happen. Eventually she calms down...like when we return home from dropping Jack at school. When we do return home...she gets in "mommy/daddy big bed", makes her a comfy spot (aka the entire bed) and she goes back to sleep. Even if I wanted to lay back down with her, I could not because she really does take the entire bed. Guess it is a good thing because it forces me to get things done (or play on the internet) ha!

I shared this photo on FB the other day and my dad commented he would pay good money for sleep like this...me too, dad, me too! Who wouldn't???



  1. There is nothing like sleeping in momma and daddy's bed. I still like to go lay down in my parents bed and take a good, long nap!!! :) Such a sweet picture!!!

  2. Oh to be able to sleep soundly with not a thing to do!!

  3. God love her! That baby is tired! =)

  4. yes, i would!! like madeline, i'm not a morning person either... however, my little ones are... urr :)
