Thursday, April 15, 2010

Ready for...

Ready for another great day swimming in the pool and soaking up the rays!

Sorry for slacking off on the blog...we have just been busy...I am working on a couple posts though and hope to have them up soon, but first things first...I must enjoy this great time with the kiddos =) I know its a hard life, but someone has to do it ;)



  1. Have a great time! I'm ready to go swimming myself! =)

  2. You're kids are just adorable!

    By the way, make sure you go to my blog and accept some awards. I didn't list specific bloggers because I wanted my readers to just take them, but I also want to make sure YOU take them because I so appreciate you reading my blog and leaving comments!

  3. this weather has been absolutely beautiful :) so glad y'all have had so much fun on spring break and been able to enjoy it :)

    can't believe your kiddos are swimming!!! (although i'm sure if the pool across the street was ready... bryce would be in it in a heartbeat!!)
