Friday, June 11, 2010


Next week is my wedding anniversary...#9...(glad we are able to be together this year) For whatever reason I get all nostalgic around this time and like to pull out the ol wedding video (which is still on vhs...yikes, really need to get thing converted) Anywho...the kids REALLY enjoy watching the video. No kidding, they really do. If I would let them, they would watch it 100 times a day. Jack thinks we are famous because we have a movie (ha!) Gotta love that =)

As we were watching the video, I had a moment. Not a moment where I was sad about the upcoming deployment and missing another year + of our lives, but another kind of moment. See, my granddaddy (who passed away in Feb) was the one who walked me down the aisle and gave me away. As we were watching the video and laughing about different parts, the camera scanned over to the part where my granddaddy saw me for the first time. That was such a special moment and now it means so much more. The moment when he saw me and was afraid to hug me....the smile on his nervous he was walking me down the healthy he full of life when we danced at the reception. There is not a day that goes by that I do not think of him and miss him. Not a day that I don't think about my Mamaw Beth all alone. Not a day. And though I do not wish him back here in all the sufferings of this world, I miss him and long to see him again. I am glad I have memories to hold on to, pictures to look at, and videos to watch.

Speaking of pictures, a friend of ours, Paul (who happens to be in my hubby's unit) was so kind to take some pictures for me of my granddaddy's grave site. Paul's granddaddy passed away Memorial Day weekend and is buried at the National Cemetery close to my granddaddy. Paul asked if he could take pictures for me and I am so glad and so thankful that he did that. He got some really great pictures so I thought I would share one here on the blog. The flowers you see on there, were placed by Mamaw Beth and the flag was placed by the Boy Scouts. The scouts place a flag on every grave at the National awesome is that and I am sure a beautiful site to see as well.



  1. Such sweet memories! Cherish them! I know you do! My Granddaddy died before Robby and I got married and oh how I missed him on that day!

  2. Maybe one day you two could have another baby boy & name him Nelson! Sending a big hug your way today & everyday, my friend. I need to have 5 min. to myself so I can call you & catch up. :)
    Happy Anniversary to both of you!!

  3. Congrats on the upcoming Anniversary! :)
    I am sorry about your grandfather, but I am glad you have those memories of him saved on video, what a wonderful thing.

  4. "thanks for these links...some of them I was not familiar with =)"

    No problem! :)

  5. Happy anniversary! My wedding video is still on VHS as well so I can't watch it (I don't even own a VCR anymore!). But I can see the entire video in my head because I've watched it so many times, and just thinking about it brings back such memories.

    Enjoy your anniversary!

  6. "ahhh love the nursery, love the meaning of his name, and what a gift of all those clothes =)"

    Thanks! :) I know I can not believe how much stuff we got, and after I was worried about not affording stuff too! Silly me for worrying!

  7. I think its wonderful that you have the video to look back on. Every time you push play, you'll be able to relive those memories again and see those precious moments with your granddaddy.
    was soo nice that his buddy took pictures for you :)

    Just so you know... I made my old blog private and created a new one! My new blog will look VERY similar since all of my old posts have been transferred to it, but this time around I'm not using names or pictures. Feel free to follow:

  8. Happy Anniversary sweet lady. I hope it is the best ever!!!

  9. That was very nice of your friend to take pictures for you! Cherish your wedding video. I know it is special, especially with the clip of your grandfather.

    June weddings are pretty popular aren't they? I got married to my hubby right after he returned from a deployment in June.
