Thursday, October 28, 2010

Just Some Little Funnies

So often throughout the day, the kids say or do things that make me really laugh out loud. Sometimes those things are said or done when they are in trouble and I must walk out of the room to keep them from seeing me crack up. Other times, like lately, those things are done or said at just the right time.

I want to share a couple things...mostly so I don't forget.

Jackson has always been a very serious child. If he does or says things that we laugh at he gets VERY embarrassed. That is just his personality. But he is a VERY loving child. Always giving hugs and kisses. Always.
Every morning when I take Jack to school he always gives me lots of kisses and hugs...well every morning that is until this week. So far every single morning this week he has refused to give me any. Finally after 3 days of this behavior I asked him why. His reply: "Mommy I will give you kisses at home. Its NOT COOL at school" NOT COOL!?!?!? WHAT! He is only 6! GEEZ! At first I was a little hurt by this, but really it makes me kinda laugh...was not prepared for it already at this age, but I knew the day would I must embrace it. Of course now he is also asking to ride the school bus to way, no how. I grew up riding the school bus...I learned a lot on the bus...enough said. Besides, I really enjoy taking Jack to school and getting to pray with him and talk about what he will do at school. Its important to me to be able to do those things. Plus, our school bus runs before 6:20 way am I getting up that early.

Below is a recent picture of Jack (taken during a 2nd family photo shoot)

Madeline, well what can I say...her nickname before she was even 1 was Madzilla...she earned it.  She is a character.  Always keeping us on our toes, laughing our heads off and pulling our hair out (usually all at the same time)  She says and does some of the funniest things.  I could write a whole book on Madi-isms. 
(though I wonder if anyone besides me would really find it that funny)  So on to Madeline's funny...
This week has been a really wild weather week.  Lots of (much needed) rain, storms, and tornadoes.  The other day as we were taking shelter in the basement because of tornadoes, I was playing games with the kids and watching our favorite suspender wearing weatherman on the tv.  When very seriously, and might I add, very concerned, Madeline said:  "Mommy, does Daddy have tornadoes in Ass-Ghan-a stan-a stan?"  I asked her to repeat it and she said it the same way.  I know I should correct her to say it the correct way, but it was too funny...and hey, it was a moment that I could really use a laugh.  Not to mention Daddy is still at the mob station and has not yet made it to Ass-Ghan-A stan-A stan...but that is too confusing for her so I just go with it.    I will work on that pronunciation with her...soon...

Below is a picture of Madeline from our 2nd shoot...I love her full of happiness


So those are just a couple funnies from this week.  I will share some more of our family pics from the 2nd shoot soon.  (and all the other posts I promised to do too)  There is just not enough time and not enough me...but I will get to it =)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Career Day

This week is Drug Free week at the school my little boy attends. Each day this week has a "theme"

Monday~Crazy Sock Day
Tuesday~Career Day
Wednesday~Pajama's Day
Thursday~Wear your Favorite football team shirt
Friday~School Colors

Jack is loving this week! Monday he wore one spider man sock and one regular sock...he thought that was just the funniest thing ever! For career day I asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up...He immediately replied, "I want to be a hero like my daddy" (yea, I got teary eyed) Well, that was not a problem, I thought he could wear his uniform...(thought is the key word) On Monday (the day before he needed to wear it) I discovered his uniform is a size 4...Jack is wearing a size 7...not going to work. Unfortunately there is not a base closer than 2 hours from us so running to the PX was not an option. I lucked out though, there is a great military supply store in town so I headed there (30 minutes before it closed) I got Jack a new uniform (pants size 8 and top size 10!) I also got him patches like his daddy and uncle. Since it was almost closing time, I was not able to get the name strips for the top, but they are being made and I will add those to the uniform. =)
And lucky me, my mother in law was able to sew the patches on the uniform. It looked just perfect! Jack was so very excited to get to school! Below are some pictures:

Jason had this hat made for Jack during deployment #2...I thought it went perfectly!

Still planning to post very soon pics from Farewell Lunch and Send Off...for some reason, blogger has not let me post pictures until today so I have a lot of catching up to do.

We are doing pretty good...there are still some tough times, but we are working on getting on a schedule and that is really helping. Of course the stomach virus threw that way off, but thankfully that has passed.

Now if only all these tornadoes would get passed and bring some cooler weather...hig 80s at the end of October is just wrong.


Saturday, October 23, 2010

Hello Murphy...

Hello's only been a little over a year since you last graced us with your presence, are you really back so soon?

Trust me, we have not missed you....AT ALL

Hubby has not even been gone a week yet. I am still in the "my husband just left" fog. You, Murphy, are suppose to wait a little while before bringing all your joy to my house. Guess you were just too excited to come visit huh????

Sorry for the little conversation with Murphy's Law. Just trying to find some humor in all this.

Quick case you did not already know my husband and my brother left earlier this week for deployment. It has officially started and the (very long) countdown is on. I have been absent from blog world (and pretty much everything else) This deployment, for whatever reason, is really hitting hard on me and the kids. Right now I am just trying to keep up and take care of them. I do hope to update with pictures of our last week together as well as the ceremonies and send-offs. I also am planning on catching you up on what life has been like the last few days. It's not pretty...and I am just not ready to write about it yet...but I will. (There's something therapeutic for me about writing it all down)

Anywho...we all know that when hubby leaves Murphy likes to come in and fill the spot, am I right??? Well Murphy is already here...sheesh...
I was awakened early this morning (1am) after having just finally fallen asleep at 12:30 to the sound of my little boy crying and saying mommy I am sick. My immediate thought..."This is just a dream, this is just a dream" Nope, no such luck. Not a dream. Jack has stomach virus...probably the worst one I have ever seen him have. I will spare the details, but lets just say neither one of us have had any sleep at all. He has still as of 8am not kept anything in his system. I have washed 2 sets of sheets, cleaned the carpet 3 times, changed both of our clothes 4 times (each), washed walls and doors, and am well on my way to using an entire can of lysol.
Now the princess has awakened and is ready to go. How can any one human being have this much energy???

Jack is so is his last soccer game and his soccer party. He is sad to miss, but I think his friends (and their mommy's) will be glad we stayed away. After his last "episode" he said does this mean no church tomorrow either. Sorry buddy, no church either (for the same reason as above, as much as we like to share...we will try not to share this) Ugh! But, as sleep deprived as we are and as much as I hate to see my buddy sick, I think we could use a lazy day. Maybe this is God telling us to slow down and just be.

So Murphy, welcome to our house...again...I have not missed you at all. Could you do me a favor though??? If you won't leave, would you please take it easy on me??? Things are pretty hard right now without you showing out. Thanks.


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Finding Comfort

"For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory..." 2 Cor. 4:17

even though right now the "light affliction" or deployment #3 may feel heavy, unbearable, and overwhelming, it really is only a brief moment. Because the glory that is to be experienced one day with the Lord far out weighs any affliction (deployment) that I can experience on this earth. I find so much comfort in this...


Friday, October 8, 2010

Family Pictures

As promised, here are some of our family pictures that my very talented friend Kelly took.

My family of 4 along with my mom and my little brother, Jeremy.

Jason and the kids...this picture makes me smile

me with my mom and my brother

My honey and me

my lil family =)

The kids wearing daddy and Uncle Jeremy's hats

This one is my most favorite!

Madi is wearing daddy's boots and Jack is wearing Uncle Jeremy's boots.

Madi is wearing daddy's boots and holding daddy's helmet. Jack is wearing Uncle Jeremy's boots and holding his helmet.

Hope that everyone has a wonderful Friday and a terrific weekend!


Thursday, October 7, 2010

A Sneak Peek

Yesterday, my family of 4 along with my brother and mom had some family pictures taken. My very sweet fantastic friend Kelly of Kelly Wright Photography took our pictures. I am beyond excited to see how they turn out...she is very creative and came up with some fantastic poses. She shared with me a sneak peek and so I thought I would share it with you.


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A Weekend Recap

We've had a fun and busy weekend! It feels like we have been going non-stop but we are enjoying this time as much as we can.

Our weekend started off on Friday night with family game night and a fun dinner outside...below are a few pictures:

Jason and the kids hanging out in the tree house.

My turn to climb into the tree house...

My turn to go down the slide...of course I had to go down head first on my back...I laughed the entire way down...all the while the kids were saying "we will help you mommy" HA! Let me tell ya, a 30-something yr old body does not slide like a 6 yr old body. ;)

After our fun in the tree house, playing freeze tag, and hide n go seek we headed off to get some supper. It was so nice out that we decided to eat outside. ;)

Saturday morning started very early for us. Jack had soccer pictures then a game so most of our morning and a little in to the afternoon was consumed with soccer. It was fun though. I really enjoy getting to watch my little boy (and all the players) have so much fun. The team was a little tired this game and I think were just ready for this game to be over. (Probably should not have made them be there so early for pictures, but that is ok) The kids had fun but by half time were ready to go home. The team we played was really good and we just could not keep up, but our team did try and did not give up and for that I am very proud of them. It gave me a great opportunity to explain about winning and loosing and that even though we play our best that other teams may be better. And even when we loose we must congratulate the other team and be good sports. It was brought to my attention by a family member of one of our players that family members from the team we played were saying some very not nice things about our players and coaches. The things that were said were really tacky (especially for an adult to say) and went on for so long that something was said to this person. I am glad I did not hear what was said. But then again maybe I should have so I could of had the good sportsmanship talk with this person. Ok, I probably would not have, but really...this is a 5 and under league...majority of these children are 4 & 5 yrs old. They are here to have fun, learn some techniques and every once in a while they will get the ball into the (correct) goal. Sheesh...ok, I will get off this and back to the recap =)
Below are a couple pics from the game:

Jack was team captain! YAY!

Kicking the ball

After our soccer game we (more like I) rushed home so I could catch the end of the Auburn game. WAR EAGLE!

We ended Saturday evening with watching the Alabama game with some hubby was a very happy man that his Crimson Tide won!

Sunday morning we headed to church...last Sunday my man gets to sit next to me in church for over a year :( After church we met up with my dad and family for my aunt's 63rd birthday. She wanted to eat at our fave mexican rest. so we were very happy about that. Below is my aunt as we sing happy birthday to her:

It was so funny because she sat there so still, but you could just tell that she was lovin every minute of it. She even shared her ice cream with Madi...though I do not think Madi gave her much of a choice, ha!

After lunch we headed to a church fellowship. Our church has been so good to us through all of our deployments and this time is no different. They hosted a "Thank You Service" for us. It was so wonderful to spend time with our church family as they encouraged us, offered up prayers for us, and thanked Jason for his service. It is so comforting to know that I have such a tremendous support system as we endure yet another deployment.

Below are some pictures:

The drink table

Sweet picture of my family that Jami made to sit out with the decor.

The desserts...oh my the desserts...they were soooo good!

Me with Aimee and precious Hope

Julie, me, and Jami...Julie hosted the fellowship at her house and Jami put it all together.

Of course I had to have a picture with my man ;)

There were so many more pictures I wanted to take but my batteries died and of course I did not have extras...bummer.

And one last picture...Jami made magnets for everyone to take home with them. She took a picture of my family and included scripture to remind everyone to be in prayer. They did this for our past deployment and wanted to do it again this time. I was and am so touched by this and by all the support that we are feeling. Thank you just does not seem enough, but we are so very grateful.
Below is a picture of the magnet:

And so that was our very busy weekend =)
