Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A Weekend Recap

We've had a fun and busy weekend! It feels like we have been going non-stop but we are enjoying this time as much as we can.

Our weekend started off on Friday night with family game night and a fun dinner outside...below are a few pictures:

Jason and the kids hanging out in the tree house.

My turn to climb into the tree house...

My turn to go down the slide...of course I had to go down head first on my back...I laughed the entire way down...all the while the kids were saying "we will help you mommy" HA! Let me tell ya, a 30-something yr old body does not slide like a 6 yr old body. ;)

After our fun in the tree house, playing freeze tag, and hide n go seek we headed off to get some supper. It was so nice out that we decided to eat outside. ;)

Saturday morning started very early for us. Jack had soccer pictures then a game so most of our morning and a little in to the afternoon was consumed with soccer. It was fun though. I really enjoy getting to watch my little boy (and all the players) have so much fun. The team was a little tired this game and I think were just ready for this game to be over. (Probably should not have made them be there so early for pictures, but that is ok) The kids had fun but by half time were ready to go home. The team we played was really good and we just could not keep up, but our team did try and did not give up and for that I am very proud of them. It gave me a great opportunity to explain about winning and loosing and that even though we play our best that other teams may be better. And even when we loose we must congratulate the other team and be good sports. It was brought to my attention by a family member of one of our players that family members from the team we played were saying some very not nice things about our players and coaches. The things that were said were really tacky (especially for an adult to say) and went on for so long that something was said to this person. I am glad I did not hear what was said. But then again maybe I should have so I could of had the good sportsmanship talk with this person. Ok, I probably would not have, but really...this is a 5 and under league...majority of these children are 4 & 5 yrs old. They are here to have fun, learn some techniques and every once in a while they will get the ball into the (correct) goal. Sheesh...ok, I will get off this and back to the recap =)
Below are a couple pics from the game:

Jack was team captain! YAY!

Kicking the ball

After our soccer game we (more like I) rushed home so I could catch the end of the Auburn game. WAR EAGLE!

We ended Saturday evening with watching the Alabama game with some friends...my hubby was a very happy man that his Crimson Tide won!

Sunday morning we headed to church...last Sunday my man gets to sit next to me in church for over a year :( After church we met up with my dad and family for my aunt's 63rd birthday. She wanted to eat at our fave mexican rest. so we were very happy about that. Below is my aunt as we sing happy birthday to her:

It was so funny because she sat there so still, but you could just tell that she was lovin every minute of it. She even shared her ice cream with Madi...though I do not think Madi gave her much of a choice, ha!

After lunch we headed to a church fellowship. Our church has been so good to us through all of our deployments and this time is no different. They hosted a "Thank You Service" for us. It was so wonderful to spend time with our church family as they encouraged us, offered up prayers for us, and thanked Jason for his service. It is so comforting to know that I have such a tremendous support system as we endure yet another deployment.

Below are some pictures:

The drink table

Sweet picture of my family that Jami made to sit out with the decor.

The desserts...oh my the desserts...they were soooo good!

Me with Aimee and precious Hope

Julie, me, and Jami...Julie hosted the fellowship at her house and Jami put it all together.

Of course I had to have a picture with my man ;)

There were so many more pictures I wanted to take but my batteries died and of course I did not have extras...bummer.

And one last picture...Jami made magnets for everyone to take home with them. She took a picture of my family and included scripture to remind everyone to be in prayer. They did this for our past deployment and wanted to do it again this time. I was and am so touched by this and by all the support that we are feeling. Thank you just does not seem enough, but we are so very grateful.
Below is a picture of the magnet:

And so that was our very busy weekend =)



  1. So glad you had a great weekend and have been able to get in some super valuable family time! The soccer adults that you mentioned reminded me of one from our tee ball season(ON OUR TEAM)! She was actually talking about Duke and I found out! OH ME!!! I couldn't let that one go.... I had to call her aside and remind her that she was an adult and he was 6! I'm afraid there may be more of those incidents to come w/ sports!
    Praying for you and your family!

  2. Love all your pictures. Hope's face is cracking me up in the picture of us.

    I soooo wanted to host this at my house!! But, they planned at the last minute to finish the deck outside. Carlton said nobody would care about the drills and what not.....but.....anyway, I am so thankful for Juli!

    Anything you need....we are here for you and your sweet kids.
    love you lots

  3. Great job done on your blog, from a children author in Concord, Ca.


  4. Such a great weekend! I am praying for you guys DAILY. Next time Hank comes to town, we will get tickets together so Jason can go - he would have enjoyed it so much. The people watching was hilarious.
    You look fantastic in these pictures. You are an amazing Mom, Wife, Daughter, Friend....so thankful your church celebrated you guys!!
