Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow Day!

We are enjoying a beautiful snow day today! The roads are closed, the schools are closed, and the ground is covered in beautiful white snow and ice. I layered the kids up and we headed outside for some sledding...well sledding would require a sled I guess. BUT when you live in the south, you do not have much of a need for a we used a boogie board. It worked ;) The kids had so much fun! I am posting a few videos for you to enjoy. Please be sure to scroll to be bottom of the blog and pause the music player so you can enjoy the videos. We just found out that tomorrow is another snow day for us! Whoo-hoo! No school, so its more sledding for us.

Follow up from last post:  I got my new lap top..yay!  loving it so far and trying to catch up on blogging and uploading pictures.  I am determined to get caught up...

One last thing:
I am happy that we did not loose power...we have a VERY important game to watch tonight! WAR EAGLE!!!!

Here are the videos:
This is a video of Madeline.  It cracks me up...she gets going a little too fast and Pops takes off after her.  She does not even care that she is about to take off down a big hill.

This is a video of Jack.  He uses his hands to stop himself (just before hitting the tree)  no worries...he did not get injured.

This last video really cracks me up.  It's my father in law (aka Pops)

So, anyone else get a snow day today?


  1. The videos were great! Although I'm not a fan(my husband is a big Michigan fan so I don't dare claim to be anything else): WAR EAGLE!!! It was such a great game to watch and I don't even care to watch football:) We had freezing rain here. No snow...bummer! Looks like you guys had a blast. Have a fantastic week!

  2. I love the snow!! Those videos are great!
