Thursday, February 24, 2011

Girl Time!

The other day, a very sweet friend, Kelly, called and asked me to lunch. Of course I said YES! Hello: adult conversation, great food, and a chance to spend time with my sweet friend and her precious baby! We decided on a local restuarant that I had not been to yet and wow, I will be going again. It. was. so. good!

Not only is Kelly a wonderful friend, she is also very talented. She made the collage below (she is doing the 365 project) and she is the photographer who took our pictures before my hubby and brother left. (Click HERE to see some of those pictures).  We had a great lunch and it was so nice to get to catch up on each other's lives.  We had quite a few laughs at our girls.  They are so funny.  As you can see, Claire (Kelly's 6 month old) likes to grab...and Madeline's hair was sure fun to grab, ha.  Madeline liked the new restuarant too...actually she loved the butter.  In the bottom picture, you can see her licking  eating the butter.  Can't say that I blame her though.  It came from a local dairy and it is probably the best butter I have ever ate.

Oh and if Madeline looks less than enthused in the picture sitting in my lap, its because she was.  It had nothing to do with Claire grabbing her hair.  She just did not want her picture taken...I might of bribbed her just a little to get her to look at the camera (gotta do, whatcha goota do)

I loved my girl time and hope that I can have more of it ;)



  1. Thank God for good friends! So glad you had a a fun girls lunch & that the food was good!! That is a precious collage of pictures!

  2. I'm so glad you got to have lunch out with a friend! What fun!
