Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Trip to the Zoo

Today's post is courtesy of Jack and his wonderful photography skills.  =) 

A few weeks back, my in-laws took Jack and Madeline to the zoo.  The kids had a BLAST and are still talking about it.  Jack took his kid camera with him to the zoo so he could share the pictures with his daddy. 

So without further a-do, here is "A Trip to the Zoo" as seen through Jack's camera:
Jack is buckled up in the car and ready to go:

Madeline is buckled and ready to go as well (who are we kidding, this child is always ready to go):

First stop: the snakes (yuck):

Looks like its mealtime in kangaroo land:

Not sure which exhibit this was, but the kids seemed very intrigued by it:

The big gorilla.  The kids loved seeing the gorilla.  They said he was "thinking" and love to show me the pose he was doing:

Can't go to the zoo and not ride the train.  Pops and Jack on the train:

Granna and Madeline on the train:

The zoo also has a wonderful play area.  Of course Madeline has to go up the slide the wrong way:

Jack climbing the ropes:

Time for another photo opportunity:

And of course Madeline gets in on the action (I think this is probably one of her better smiles):

Getting up close and personal at the tiger exhibit:

The kids said some of the exhibits were closed (due to construction) and some of the animals were not there right now because it was still too cold for them.  Even though that was the case, they had a blast and are ready to go again!  I promised them we would go again when it warmed up so they could see all the exhibits. 

We are on spring break this week and are loving our time!  I've tried to plan a little something for them each day that will be fun.  We have been blessed with great weather so we have stayed outside pretty much the whole time.  I will share pictures soon.  But for now, we are off to get ready for a picnic at the park.  I can not wait.

Hope everyone is enjoying their week!



  1. Looks like such a fun time! We are wanting to go to the zoo soon!

  2. Those were some great photos and the kids seemed to have so much fun. My oldest is learning about zoo animals in preschool this month and seems really excited about going to the zoo. I haven't decided if I'll take the boys before homecoming or not, but I know they'll love it whenever we make the trip.

    I really enjoy going to the zoo too :)

  3. I love the zoo! Have fun on your picnic and enjoy the sunshine!!

  4. Good pictures, Jackson!
    Glad you are having a fun spring break!
    My parents have the kids tonight & possibly tomorrow night, so I will call you if I come to Oxford this weekend!!

  5. Of all my childhood memories, our trips to the zoo rank at the top. What a great gift for your kids, the memories you made! They'll always remember :D

  6. what a fun spring break y'all are having!!!

    that inspires me to start planning some warm-weather fun (before it gets too hot)

  7. I love the pictures via Jack. So cute!
