Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter Care Package

For Easter, the kids and I wanted to send daddy and uncle Jeremy fun care packages.  We decided to decorate the inside of the boxes with all kinds of Easter decorations so when they opened their care packages it would be full of fun and pretty decor all made by the kids.

Below are some pictures of the packages.

Jackson working hard on some decorations for the package.

Madeline working hard on some pretty crafts.  Her favorite part was the glue and glitter...can I say MESSY =)

Plain o' box ready to be decorated.

Jackson glueing some decorations in the box.

Madeline glueing some decorations in the box.

Daddy's care package completed and ready to be taped up and sent on its way.  We put a lot of candy in the box so he could share it with others...hope he shared ;)

Uncle Jeremy's box completed and ready to be taped up and sent on its way.

The kids loved decorating the inside of the boxes and I am sure the guys loved getting these boxes.  I already have some ideas for other boxes...I will share those after the guys get them (so they will be suprised) 

Do you decorate your boxes?  Any neat ideas anyone would like to share???



  1. Precious Idea!
    I bet your guys loved their boxes!!

  2. what a fun idea....you're a cool mommy. Praying for you as each day passes!!

  3. what a fun idea...you're a cool mommy. Praying for you as each day brings you closer to re-uniting your sweet family!

  4. I love this post! That is great that the kids can participate in that way. The box looks great!!

    Oh my don't worry about being behind on reading, I rarely have time to read blogs anymore too, which makes me sad. Oh well. But thanks for commenting! I'm glad to know that I am not alone in wanting a vacation. I really hope you can save for a nice getaway!! I am trying to do the same. Thanks for the advice about "mom competition" I agree about it though. Balance seems to be the key. Do what I think is right and occasionally pick out the good advice from others! Glad you seem to be doing ok, praying for ya! :)

  5. Those are so cute! What a great idea.

  6. I love this idea! So cute and I bet it brought so much joy to your hubby (and the other men) to see all those hand crafted eggs and decoration from his beautiful children. Thank you so much for the comments you've recently left. They have been encouraging and brought little bits of sunshine to my days as I've been going and going.(I've been so busy!) I've seen themed care packages before somewhere in blogland. I thought that was a cute idea too. I hope you have a blessed day sweet lady!

  7. Love that idea on decorating the boxes!!! They turned out so cute and I but Daddy and Uncle Jeremy loved them!!!
