Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Someone's Having A Birthday

Today is my sweet husband's birthday!  Happy Birthday Jason!!

I wish so much that we could be with him today to celebrate him, but since we can not, I wanted to make sure he had a good day (or at least as good as possible)  When I last spoke with him, he had not received his birthday care package from us, so I do not want to share those pictures just yet (but I will once he receives it)  I did order him a birthday cake from one of those companies that send cakes to deployed soldiers.  I had it selected to deliver on his birthday, but it delivered early which is fine.  I was a little disappointed in the size of the cake.  I thought it would be enough to share, but as you can see in the picture below, it is not big at all.  Oh well, at least Jason got to enjoy a piece of it.  :) 

That is the cake in front of mouse pad and computer...to get an idea of the size look at the cake compared to the mouse pad...see what I mean??? 

Below is a video of the Jack and Madeline singing daddy Happy Birthday

We hope that your having a wonderful birthday!  We love you so very much and can not wait to see you soon!  Hurry Up R&R!!!



  1. Happy Birthday Jason! What a sweet wife you have for NOT mentioning your age! She's nicer than I am! LOL! I know you will enjoy your present and I can't wait to see what she created for you. Jessica, no worries about the cake, because I am sure when he gets home you celebrate ALL of the missed events within a week's time, right?

  2. Happy Birthday to Jason. I hope R & R arrives quickly. The kids are too cute in the video!

  3. Happy Birthday to your hubby! I hope he has a good birthday and hope R&R hurries up for you!

  4. This is such a sweet post!
    Happy 4th of July!

  5. A wonderful post and I love the idea of the birthday cake. What companies do that?

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