Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Cake Angel

You know sometimes people come in to our life that are, to me, affirmations that God truly is in every single detail.  I had the honor of meeting one of those special people while staying with my husband during his de-mob process.

Each morning after our husbands left the hotel, some of us wives would meet in the hotel for breakfast.  It was a great time of meeting, fellowshipping, and enjoying a good breakfast before we started our days.  As we sat at breakfast one morning we got to talking about how we wished we could make a cake or some cookies for the soldiers - you know just some good comfort food for them.  So we asked the breakfast attendant if we could use the hotel's kitchen to bake (we have done this before when our husbands returned from deployment)  The precious breakfast attendant, Ms. Berta, informed us that the hotel did not have a kitchen, just a microwave and a toaster oven...neither of which would work for what we had planned.  Ms. Berta sat down at our table with us and inquired why we were in need of a kitchen.  We shared with her that our husbands had just returned from a year plus long deployment to Afghanistan and we wanted to treat the entire unit to a special treat.  At this point, Ms. Berta's face just lit up with excitement.  She invited us to come to her home and do our baking there.  She shared with us that she is known as the "Cookie angel" because she bakes cookies and takes it to the camp for troops who are about to mobilize.  She shared that she has not been able to bake in a while and would love nothing more than to help us.  Here we all complete strangers to her and she is inviting us to her home to bake...tears.  So we all re-grouped and headed to the store to purchase the supplies we would need to bake a cake. 

We renamed Ms. Berta the "cake angel" because she was just so precious to open her home to us so we could bake a cake.  She was an absolutely precious lady.  Meeting her was such an affirmation that my lines do fall in pleasant places...that God is certainly in all the details and places some really amazing people in our lives if we just stop for a moment to realize it.  She made us feel right at home in her kitchen.  She shared so much with us and prayed over us and the soldiers.  Absolutely precious and I am so thankful we met her. 

Wendy, Ms. Berta, and Kim:

Kim whipping up the icing.

Wendy leveling the cake.

Just me spreading the icing on the Hershey Bar Cake...this cake is sinfully delicious!

Gotta add some extra candy bar on top of the cake :)

After we finished making the cake, we headed over to the barricks to serve it to the soldiers.  

Some of the guys enjoying the cake:

This is Justin, we found out it was his birthday....

So Wendy had to give him a special birthday treat ;)

The cake went fast I did not even get a slice...probably for the best, I made sure the scraps were cleaned up before we delievered the cake ;)

Almost caught post will be homecoming and surprising the kids :)



  1. What a great story and what a blessing! We have such a sweet God who cares about even the small places in our lives! :)

  2. How PRECIOUS! She is an angel here on Earth!
    I know all of you will remember that forever. I bet the guys LOVED that cake. It looks delish.

  3. What an Angel she surely is! God surely does place people in our lives doesn't he? Hugs my friend!
