Friday, December 9, 2011

Some Elf Antics

My friend, ShaRhonda at The 4 Crow's, is having a link up party for Elf on a Shelf until Christmas Eve.  So, I am linking up to her blog today and sharing some of the silly-ness our elf, Dan, has been getting into. 

Dan found the kid's camera and went around the house taking pictures.

We found Dan hanging out in Jack's tree.

Dan needed to do some reading.

Dan got a little hungry one night and got into the gum drops.

Doing some climbing...

close up of Dan climbing

Dan decided to hang out in the chandelier

Dan wrote a letter to the kids telling them to have a great day (how sweet of him, lol)

Dan got into a wrestling match with John Cena...Looks like Dan used some of his elf magic and managed to get Cena in a headlock.

The other wrestlers caught wind of what Dan did to John Cena and tied Dan up to the Charlie Brown tree...something tells me that Dan will not mess with anymore wrestlers, lol

Dan also got into some silly-ness last year.  Here are some of those pictures:
Dan wrapped himself in the kids countdown chain:

Dan tried to brush his teeth:

Dan toilet papered the kids bathroom:

Dan traveled with us during Christmas.  While we stayed the night at my grandmother's house, Dan got into her undergarments drawer and hung them from the tree.

Head over to ShaRhonda's blog and see some more elf mischievousness.  I will share more of Dan the elf's antics between now and Christmas (something tells me he has much more in the works, lol)



  1. Lol, that looks like fun! Love that he wrote the kiddos a letter ;)

  2. I love it!!! You gave me some ideas!!! Thanks for linking up!

  3. Thanks for linking-up at The 4-Crow's. I now have some more ideas for our elf, Gundy.

  4. Dan & our elf must be friends :) He acts out of control here, too. HA!
