Tuesday, July 31, 2012

It's Almost Time

It's almost time for us to go get our soldier!  (yes I am very much excited)

J got to call us the other day and fill us in on some events that will take place.  He asked that at graduation for the kids to pin on his new rank.  How awesome is that!?!

When I told the kids that daddy wanted them to pin on his new rank both of them got SO VERY EXCITED! (even though I am not sure they have any clue what that even means)

I tried to explain to them what it meant and what they would need to do.  After that, we used Pops as our model and practiced pinning him so the kids would be a little prepared for it.  

how cute is that? 

Well, I am off to pack up a few things and hit the road....I am a little nervous....


Monday, July 30, 2012

Today is my birthday!

If you need me, I'll be floating...I mean busy (ha!)

As a birthday request...can you follow this LINK and vote for my blog to be in the Top 25 military mom blogs on Circle of Moms?  Thank you :)


Friday, July 27, 2012

Could you vote?

I am so excited!  I recently found out that my blog has been nominated to the Top 25 Military Moms-2012 list on Circle of Moms!  Yay!  (thank you to whoever nominated me!)

Could you do me a favor, please....

If you will, follow this LINK to the voting page.  Once on the page, click on VOTE.  That is all you need to do.  No email is required, no name either...just click VOTE.  That is all.  You can vote once per day until Aug. 16th. 

Thank you lots for voting!  I really appreciate it!


I have really been missing my soldier this week....
What is it about the end drawing near that makes it seem like time is standing still??? 

So often I find myself picking up the phone to call J and fill him in on the latest "Madi-ism" or newest thing Jack is in to...but then I remember - "Oh, yea, I can't call him" 

So often I find myself listening for the garage door to open after the end of a long day - and nothing...

So often I find myself making plans for the weekend then remembering - oh yea, it is just me and the kids again this weekend. 

I am so glad that this training is almost over...I am ready to seem my hubby..


Monday, July 23, 2012

It's That Time

It's that time again...back to school shopping time that is :)

Schools around here go back in a few weeks (so glad our state voted on a later start date for schools...going back at the beginning of August is just way too early) Jack received his letter with school supply list and who his teacher will be.  I am very excited about his teacher!  We are going to have a great year in 2nd grade!  Madeline still has not received her letter...she is VERY excited about going to school...momma-not so much, sigh.....

Jack was very ready to get some school supplies so we ventured out yesterday afternoon to get Jack's supplies.  We got all of his supplies and labeled ready to go to school.  Next up for Jack will be some clothes and shoes.

Here are a few pictures from our school shopping adventure:

Jack showing some of the supplies he chose:

Miss priss wanted to try on some shoes...not sure these are very practical for school, but she insisted on being "stylish" (for those who are wondering- no, I did not get these for her) 

Have a great day!


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A Little Funny

Saw this picture of an article on a friend's facebook and thought it was too funny not to share...


Thursday, July 12, 2012

Madeline had her first cheer class this week!

She has been so excited and ready for it to begin.

Madeline has taken dance for the last 2 years and seemed to enjoy it. Towards the end of it this year though, she started commenting that she did not want to go. She said that she wanted to be a cheerleader instead. Now, I know nothing about cheerleading, but as luck would have it I meet a lady who did and she was starting a new school in our area for tumbling and cheering. I asked Madeline if she would like to give it a try and of course she said yes.

  Here is our little cheerleader:


Monday, July 9, 2012

A Weekend Get-a-way

This past weekend, the kids and I along with my mom took a little trip to visit our family.  We usually are only able to all get together around the holiday's so it was nice to to see them without the chaos of the holiday and to enjoy some warm weather :)

My aunt and uncle have an incredible pool with a wonderful view...its very peaceful there.  The kids LOVED swimming and jumping off the rock.  They were swimming for 10-12 hours and only stopping to eat so they could refuel.  By the 2nd day, Jack did take a  little power nap.  Our ever-going Madeline did not stop though, ha!

Below are a few pictures I took:

Jack and Madi ready for the 1st jump of the day:

Doing a "cannonball" together:

Jack mastered his front flip:

Madeline perfected her dive:
The kids had a blast and are already asking when are we going back...think they like swimming???


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July

Happy 4th of July everyone!

my sweet babies before we headed to church for a patriotic service:

This 4th, while we are celebrating, may we all take a moment to pause in prayer...prayers of thanksgiving for those who have and are sacrificing so much for our freedom.  We can not even begin to count the cost of the sacrifices, but we can offer prayers of thanksgiving for them.  We can also offer prayers of protection for all service members who continue to protect and fight for our freedoms.

This 4th, I am missing my soldier...no, he is not deployed overseas at the moment (though he have spent MANY holidays apart because of overseas deployments)  I have not heard his voice in a week...maybe it will only be one week more until I do.  If you know a family whose soldier is away right now, please take time to pray for them and reach out to the family.  It means more than you can ever know. 

Everyone please have a Happy and Safe 4th of July, but please do me a favor...do not forget to count the cost so many have paid for the freedoms we are celebrating today.

God Bless America, Land that I love!


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Look What We Got

 My brother, Jeremy, surprised the kids over the weekend with a pool. YAY!

It was the perfect gift for my lil ones who love to swim and a perfect gift for us during these triple digit, record setting heat days.

As soon as Jeremy and I got the pool set up and turned the water on, the kids jumped in. So what if the water was only at their ankles, they were ready to get in. :)

We have really been enjoying this pool!

What do you do to beat the summer heat?
