Happy 4th of July everyone!
my sweet babies before we headed to church for a patriotic service:
This 4th, while we are celebrating, may we all take a moment to pause in prayer...prayers of thanksgiving for those who have and are sacrificing so much for our freedom. We can not even begin to count the cost of the sacrifices, but we can offer prayers of thanksgiving for them. We can also offer prayers of protection for all service members who continue to protect and fight for our freedoms.
This 4th, I am missing my soldier...no, he is not deployed overseas at the moment (though he have spent MANY holidays apart because of overseas deployments) I have not heard his voice in a week...maybe it will only be one week more until I do. If you know a family whose soldier is away right now, please take time to pray for them and reach out to the family. It means more than you can ever know.
Everyone please have a Happy and Safe 4th of July, but please do me a favor...do not forget to count the cost so many have paid for the freedoms we are celebrating today.
God Bless America, Land that I love!
Happy 4th to the most precious Patriotic family I know!!