Sunday, March 15, 2009

Our Homecoming

As promised here are the pictures from our homecoming. We were truely blown away by all the wonderful friends, family, church family, and terrific neighbors who took part in making it so special. The entire neighborhood was lined with posters welcoming Jason and thanking him for serving. It was also lined with balloons and flags. Then as we topped the hill to our house we were even more suprised. The yard and cul de sac was full of wonderful friends and family all waving flags. The yard, house, and trees were covered with yellow bows, signs, banners, and flags. Everyone did such a great job decorating :)

What more is there to say except Welcome Home!

The walk to the front door was lined with posters and flags.

Banner hanging over the garage.

Our house all decorated.

Jackson with my mom.

Everyone waiting on us to arrive.

My little Jack...can't you just see the excitement in his face :)

We are so thankful for all the people waiting to welcome Jason home!

Jack and Madeline waiting on daddy to get home.

Jack took off running to the car as soon as he spotted us! He was so excited to see his daddy!

Madeline giving her daddy some sweet kisses. It took her a minute to realize what was going on, but as soon as we moved inside the house she held on tight to her daddy and has not let go yet :)

Jackson has not stopped smiling since we got home. He also has not quit talking. :)

Jason giving his dad and brother a hug.

Jason giving his mom a hug.

Talking with our great neighbors. Thank you guys for getting our mail and watching the house while we were gone! Thank you also Jill for decorating the neighborhood and house! Don't know what I would do without great neighbors!

Allison and me

Jennifer, Madeline and me

Baby Jack, Jess Kadle, me, Jami, and Chase...Kadle and Jami, thank you just does not seem adequate, but THANK YOU for all your attention to detail! The house and yard looked great and our supper was terrific!

My family!

Jason with his mom and Jack.

Jason with his dad and Jack.

Our family! Thank you guys for helping me so much throughout this year and for taking such wonderful care of the kids so that Jason and I could have some time together. I love you all!

Ok this picture may seem strange, but I had to share it. When I walked into my kitchen and I saw the table set for 4 people, I cried. It has been 13 months since there was 4 table settings. I could not hold back the is the little moments (like having 4 plates at the table) that make me appreciate so much.

How sweet is this picture?!?

Sweet moments of Jason with the kids.

The kids gave Jason lots of suprises :) They made him a cake (from scratch) and gave him a book that said To our hero!

Hope you enjoy all the pictures. There are a lot of pictures from our homecoming so it was hard to narrow it down :)
We are all trying to adjust to having Jason at home. After Jason's first deployment, it seems like we were able to get back into the groove a lot easier and quicker than we have been this time. I wonder if it is because we have kids this time, or because it is our 2nd time, or if I am still trying to recover from the exhaustion of this past week (and all the emotions that entails) I am sure it is a combination of all those things. We are just trying to take things slowly right now. Jason has sometime before he has to return to work and I am so thankful for that because it is going to take a while for all of us to adjust. We did make it to church this morning and that was great. I shed a few tears. It has been so long since I have had my whole family in church. Again it is the little moments that make me appreciate so much (like when Jason put his arm around me during church) I hope that I never again take those moments for granted.

Well, I must go for now...the family is waiting on me to go to the store...time to do some yard work :)



  1. Jessica!!!!! I am so excited for you. You are such a great example of a persevering mother. And Jason, THANK YOU! Praying for your adjustment!

  2. I am so excited for you. It was great to see you all together at church today! Jason, Thank You for doing what you do! Praying for your adjustment to everything.

  3. Great pictures. So glad you are all together again!

  4. Thank you for the pics!!!! Oh, how I wish I could have been there!!!

    It was so good to all of you TOGETHER at church!!!

    Praise the Lord Jason is HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. First of all, you all have been home for what? 3 days! Come on, cut yourself some slack! You also have 2 more people than you had during Jason's last deployment. It takes time to adjust from a weekend much less 13 months, especially when you factor in 2 kids!

    I love to see Jackson's face 'just a glowing'! He loves his Daddy and it shows. I am thankful for Jason's safe return.

    Now, go get 'normal' and take your time!

  6. What a sweet homecoming. You are so blessed to have such a wonderful family and great friends. I know that it must have made your entire family feel so special! Have a great week together as a family of 4!!

  7. Girl! So excited for you...I teared up reading this has made me thankful for my hubby and my kids! Thanks so much for sharing this journey with all of us...God works in ways you have no idea!

    Love you!


  8. I am so excited for y'all and so happy that you are back together as a family!! I wish we could have been there to welcome you home!! tell jason thank you for his faithful service to keep our country safe!! hope you adjust quickly much love

  9. I love how your house and the neighborhood is all decorated for the homecoming. I just noticed on this photo that your husband's unit patch is the same as my husband's combat patch (I think). How weird, huh?
