Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Working in the Yard

So what do you do when you have been away from home for 13 months???? Why yard work of course :) Jason loves to be outside and loves working in the yard even more...unfortunately I do not share that passion, but I try :) For the past 2 days we (yes all 4 of us) have put on our gloves and pulled out our gardening tools. I revamped the planters on the deck and the planter around the mailbox. I am trying out a new flower (maybe I won't kill it) haha. Jason trimmed the bushes and trees. We pulled up some randomly placed shrubs and replaced them with hydrangeas. This was the kids favorite part. Jack loved pulling up the shrubs. After the shrubs were out both kids went digging for earthworms...all I could think was YUCK! but they loved it :)

Madeline "helping" with the yard work.

Jack digging holes for the flowers.

Madeline's earthworm

Jack's earthworm

Jack helping Jason pull up the random shrubbery.

Taking a ride after a long work day.

Gotta love that muddy face...I caught Madeline eating her mud pie...yep eating it :)

So you may be wondering how things are going...well we are all still trying to adjust. The kids will not let Jason out of their sight at all. We are having to constantly reassure them that daddy is here to stay. This has been particularly hard on me. It hurts me that my babies even have to think like that. Just the other night, Jason was changing into his pj's and Jack asked him what he was doing. Jason said "daddy is changing clothes" Jack said "are you staying here daddy?" to which Jason replied yes and gave him reassurance that daddy was not going anywhere. Jack cried and said "oh yay my daddy is not going anywhere." I had to walk out of the room. Part of me wanted to be angry that a 4 year old even has these thoughts while the other part of me wanted to cry. This is just one example of the struggles and adjustments that we are experiencing. We are just trusting our gut about how to handle these new struggles and praying about it a lot. This is all new to us.

Well, I hope you enjoy the pictures. I need to get back to the yard work...or at least make sure Madeline is not eating more mud (you know I don't want her to spoil her dinner



  1. I love the pictures and your flowers look great! How great is it to have your man home!!! I'm glad you are enjoying your family time. The kids will soon adjust and life will finally go back to normal. (whatever that feels like!) Talk to you soon!


  2. Thank you Jess for sharing your life with me; I miss you. I love you so much.,
    nana J

  3. Hey honey, what cute pictures, I can not believe my little grandbabies are playing with those worms. EWWWW. I know it is so hard to see the babies worrying about their daddy leaving but this too will pass and things will get back to normal, if you even can remember what that is, hehe. Tell Jason I love him and the babies too. I love you Jessica take one day at a time. MOM

  4. Hey Jess, Looks like a lot of fun....working in the yard!! I am so glad ya'll are getting to do fun normal family things t/g...all 4 of you! I love the pics....especially the one of Jack & Madeline in the wheelbarrrel! The one of Madeline mad me laugh...her eating the mud pie because, that is what Ava does...mud pies, sand pies...(maybe Ava just likes pie like her mama)..anyway, I thought it was funny b/c Janet always says Ava & Madeline remind her of one another! Ya'll will continue to be in my prayers that everyone adjust quickly! Sorry that you have to reassure the kids that daddy isn't going anywhere...I KNOW that as parents we do NOT want I children to feel any pain! Lots of love-Beka

  5. I just love Madeline's camo rain boots. She looks so adorable in these pictures. I can only imagine how happy you are to have Jason home. I can imagine the sigh of relief you must feel knowing that he is here to stay. I will be praying for all of you to adjust. Have a great week.


  6. too funny about the mud pies!!! i'm so glad spring is just around the corner!! i'm sure your kids just love being outside!! glad y'all get to have some family time- praying for a quick adjustment for y'all!!!

  7. I love the picture of Jackson holding the worm, but the muddy face of Madeline is priceless!
