Friday, May 29, 2009
Show Us Where You Live ~ Children's Rooms
Welcome to this weeks edition of "Show Us Where You Live" Today we are going to tour Children's Rooms.
Up first is Jackson's room:
This is the view of his room from the hall. Jackson's room is done in vintage Alabama football. His bedding is houndstooth and accented with houndstooth and football pillows. Above his bed is an Alabama print.
His window treatments are also done in houndstooth.
Jackson's hutch full of books and football decor.
Dresser with another print and an autographed picture of Coach Saban's.
Rocker that my MIL refinished and recovered. Jack loves to sit in it =)
Next stop is Madeline's room:
This is the view looking into Madeline's room from the hallway. Right now I have a quilt that Madeline's great-grandmother made her on the bed. We only put a quilt on there for now while the toddler bumpers are up. I have her bedding(it is from the shabby chic line at Target) once the bumpers are down we will put the bedding on.
Princess Madeline wall hanging that a sweet friend of my painted.
Madeline's hutch. The porcelin dolls at the top of the hutch were mine when I was a little girl.
I love this sign...I got it at Cottontail Village.
Madeline's dresser complete with a jewelry box from her daddy and the picture that everyone signed when she was born.
Some of Madeline's hairbows. (she also has a drawer full of them) I got this holder at Cottontail's also.
My MIL refinished this baby bed for Madeline one year for Christmas. (I forgot to take a picture of it, but she painted a big M on the side of it)
Madeline's great-grandmother made a little quilt for the baby bed.
This is the bedding that will go on Madeline's bed once we can take the bumpers down.
Well I hope you enjoyed the tour of my kids room's. Be sure to go to Kelly's Korner and check out all the other cute rooms! I can not wait to see them myself =)
Monday, May 25, 2009
Memorial Day...
Today is much more than a day off work or a day out of school…today is Memorial Day…a day meant to reflect on and honor all of America’s fallen heroes. It is also a day to give thanks to the men and women who give all. We owe gratitude to these heroes for the freedom and liberty that we enjoy everyday. So today…take the time to reflect on the sacrifices and services of all our military.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Show Us Where You Live ~ Dining Room
Welcome to this weeks edition of "Show Us Where You Live" Today we will be touring the dining room.
Our dining room is opened up to our living room:
Right now, I have the table decorated with this southern living at home tray with some candles. I try to decorate with the seasons, but just have not seemed to find the time to change it out yet...maybe I will get to that one day =)
I bought this chair at an antique auction...right now I just have it in the corner because I am not really sure where to put it yet.
Well, I hope you enjoyed the tour of our dining room. Thanks for stopping by =)
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Jack's 4-k Graduation
Last night was Jackson's graduation from 4k. I can not believe my little boy has completed 4k! I truely feel like Jason and I just brought him home from the hospital...(I know, I know...every mommy says that, but I really do!)
The program was wonderful (and I only shed a few tears) The kids wore caps and tassels (so stinkin cute) and they marched in to Pomp and Circumstance (did I get the name right?) When that music started that is when I got teary-eyed. The children lead us in the Pledge and then they sang about 20 different songs. I knew Jack had learned a lot of songs this year (because he will periodically sing them for us) but I had no idea he learned that many! The songs were so cute!!! I video taped all of them and would gladly share all of them, but I only put one on this post =) After the songs, the children were presented with their diplomas and asked what they wanted to be when they grew up. There was quiet a theme going on to that answer...the girls said "cheerleader, mommy, or princess" and the boys said "race car driver, batman, and I don't know" Jack said he wanted to be a Power Ranger.
Once all diplomas were given there was video tribute to the 4k grads. The video was pictures of the children as babies and then a picture of them in their cap and gown. I of course cried during that. After the graduation service was over we went to Jack's classroom so he could get his things. Jack's teacher, Mrs. Betsy, gave Jack a book she made for him that had pictures and classwork of his throughout the year. I cried looking through it because I was so amazed at the progress he made throughout the year. He makes me so proud! One page though really brought me to tears. It was a question and answer section where Mrs. Betsy asked Jack a series of questions (like his fave color, toy, show..etc) Well one question was "What does your daddy do?" Jack's answer was "he shows up on my movies" See these questions were asked while Jason was deployed and the only thing Jason could "do" was show up on the computer and the series of videos he recorded for the kids. Oh I am so thankful for technology, but even more thankful that deployment is behind us now. that I have had yet another good cry...I will leave you with a few (ok, who am I kidding) I will leave you with several pictures to enjoy =)
The 3 and 4 year old classes singing
My sweet little Jack
Jack receiving his diploma from Mrs. Betsy
Madeline, Mrs. Betsy, and Jack
Jack and mommy
A little cake to honor our graduate
Jack and daddy
Madeline and Mommy
Jack and mommy
Group shot...Jack chose to go eat Cracker Barrel for his graduation dinner (this is his FAVORITE place to eat!)
Jack and mommy
Jack and daddy
I made these cute little graduation candy cup caps for Jack to give all his classmates (I got the directions off Bakerella's blog)
Below is a video of the 4 year olds singing the Hippo Song...This is the cutest little song. (You know the drill...scroll to the bottom and pause the music player so you can hear the song)
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Final Touches
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day
When I think on Mother's Day, I think about a few things. I think about the wonderful mother that I have been blessed with. Mom, you have taught me so much and for that I am so thankful. I think about the wonderful mother-in-law, grandmothers, and other mommies in my life who have had such an impact in my life. But most of all on mother's day, I think about how God committed Jack and Madi to Jason and me to care for, to educate, to love, to instruct, to guide, to discipline, all to raise them up to be children of God. It is not always the easiest job, but it is the one I want. And each day, I pray that God will guide me and instruct me how to raise my children to bring honor and glory to Him.
Jack and me at the mother's day brunch that Jack's pre-school hosted. It was so sweet. The children performed a little song for us and then gave us some gifts they made. Jack gave me a spoon full of kisses (one of my favorite candies), a pot holder with his hand print on it (cutest thing ever!) and a cookbook full of recipes provided by the children of the pre-school. Here are Jackson's recipes:
She takes it out of the freezer and cooks it in the oven for 8 hours.
Roll them up in a ball and cook them in the oven for 30 years. Eat them with noodles.
How stinkin cute is that!?!
Below is a video of Jack's pre-school performing a little song. Of course the song was almost over by the time my camera started recording it, but I think you can get the idea =). Enjoy the video...and remember...pause the music player at the bottom before playing the video.
Happy Mother's day!
Jack and me at the mother's day brunch that Jack's pre-school hosted. It was so sweet. The children performed a little song for us and then gave us some gifts they made. Jack gave me a spoon full of kisses (one of my favorite candies), a pot holder with his hand print on it (cutest thing ever!) and a cookbook full of recipes provided by the children of the pre-school. Here are Jackson's recipes:
She takes it out of the freezer and cooks it in the oven for 8 hours.
Roll them up in a ball and cook them in the oven for 30 years. Eat them with noodles.
How stinkin cute is that!?!
Below is a video of Jack's pre-school performing a little song. Of course the song was almost over by the time my camera started recording it, but I think you can get the idea =). Enjoy the video...and remember...pause the music player at the bottom before playing the video.
Happy Mother's day!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Military Spouse Appreciation Day
You know how much i love "blogging" so i will keep this short and too the point. thank you so much for what you have done this past year with the kids! You are an awesome mom and wife and you did a great job with the kids this past year with me being gone. I know it was hard, but we got through it. i love you! jason
You know how much i love "blogging" so i will keep this short and too the point. thank you so much for what you have done this past year with the kids! You are an awesome mom and wife and you did a great job with the kids this past year with me being gone. I know it was hard, but we got through it. i love you! jason
Home Tour~Living Room
Welcome everyone to the Show Us Where You Live~Living Room Edition. Below are pictures from our living room and our family room in the basement (also known as my husband's man cave)
This is the mantle in the living room. The mirror is my absolute favorite. My hubby got it for me as a birthday present a couple years ago. Normally I would have a fern in the planter, but my 2 year old has too much fun pulling all the leaves off the fern so I just leave the urn empty. =)
This is the chair that I love to relax in. It is so snuggly. However, with a 4 and 2 year old, there is not much time for relaxing at all.
My hubby brought the rug home from his 1st deployment for Operation Iraq Freedom. I just love all the colors in it and thought it would look great hanging in the living room.
When I do get a chance to sit down, these are my 3 favorite magazines: Southern Living, Southern Lady, and Cooking with Paula Deen.
This is our coffee table. My in-laws handed it down to us when we got married 8 years ago. I love that it is mirrored top because I can display special pieces in it and keep little fingers off those pieces. =) Right now we are displaying some of the items my hubby brought back from his 2 deployments for Operation Iraq Freedom and a training exercise to Egypt. One of my favorite pieces in it is the journal my hubby kept while he was deployed.
Here is a view of the living room looking in from the dining room. I have not done any window treatments in here because I just can not decide what I would want to do...any suggestions???
This is our entry way coming in to the living room.
A scroll with our names on it that my hubby brought back from a training exercise in Egypt.
Another view of the living room.
Now lets move the tour to the basement aka man cave ....
Here is the view looking into the office area. Behind the door is my craft room.
The sitting hubby is a huge Alabama fan so he has lined the walls with his collection of prints.
Another view of the sitting area...the sofa and love seat were handed down to us by my in-laws and the recliner we purchased on our 1st Christmas.
My hubby is also a fan of Nascar and has collected several cars over the years. He displayed them inside the entertainment center cabinets. Not exactly how I would decorate it, but this is his man cave so anything goes =)
Another view of the sitting area...behind the door is the kids playroom (believe me, you do not want me to open that looks like an f4 tornado came through)
And the office area again...the kids love to do everything that daddy does, so their computer is set up right next to daddy. How sweet is that =)
Hope you enjoyed the tour of our living room and family room. Check back next Friday for the next stop on the tour.