Saturday, April 10, 2010

Grab It and Some Updates

I have a blog button! I feel so "real" now...ok all you seasoned bloggers out there, do not laugh at me =)

My very talented friend Jenifer created it...THANK YOU JENIFER!!! Check out the top right side of the blog if you would like to "grab it"

And now for the updates:

A little over a year ago, I wrote this post about Jack. For those new to the blog, Jack has an eye condition known as amblyopia (or "lazy eye") Just a year ago, Jack had nearly lost ALL vision in his left eye. To correct the problem, we started patching his right eye for 10 hours a day in order to strengthen the muscle in his left eye. Each visit to the eye dr. was wonderful! We returned every 3 months, and each time the left eye was showing great improvements. The vision was coming back and the muscle was strengthening. Each visit, we were told to decrease the amount of time we patched. We went from 10 hours a day, to 6 hours, to 3 hours, to now...our most recent visit...Jack is PATCH FREE!!!! His vision in his left eye went from being only able to see out of the side to 20/40 vision! PRAISE GOD!!!! In just one year our little man went from nearly blind to 20/40 vision! How amazing is that??? And to top it all off, he is patch free and we do not return to the eye dr for a year!
Now Jack still has amblyopia. The muscle in his left eye has made incredible improvements, but his eye still has a tendency to turn in (especially if he focuses on something or is really tired) The eye does not turn in at all while Jack has on his glasses...which is very important. If it does start to turn in with glasses on, then we would have to return to dr. Other than that we are clear for a year! J and I are so happy, but I think Jack is happiest of all because that means he does not have to wear an eye patch any longer. Jack was giving us all high-5's after he found out...just too cute!
The picture above is of Jack on our way home from the eye dr. Jack's eye were dilated so the sun was just too bright for him. He wore my sunglasses because we did not have his in the car...I thought he just looked adorable =)

Well...I hope everyone has a great's drill weekend for us, so we are missing daddy. BUT it's the start of spring break yippee!!!



  1. Fabulous news! Thanks for participating in Friday Follow. Rita @ One 2 Try.
