Thursday, January 2, 2014

Recapping 2013 part 1

I was not very good at keeping up the blog in 2013. 

There were a multitude of reasons for not keeping up the blog like I had wanted to.  J was gone for a 6 month school which left me home alone with two very involved kids.  J had also lost his job so while he was at the school, I started subbing (nearly every day) so that I could contribute to our budget.  Even though J was actively applying for jobs and such, we had no idea just how long it was going to take for him to find employment again.  So between subbing and shuffling kids, I just did not have much time for the blog (or anything else for that matter). 

Another reason that I just did not keep the blog up like I had wanted to was because, honestly, I believe I was battling depression.  Even though I was keeping up with all my normal routines, looking back I see now that I was likely dealing with depression.  I have always treated this blog as a place for me to open up and share my true feelings, but last year I just could not bring myself to share those feelings.  I did not talk with anyone at all about the fears and worries that were constantly looming in my head.  Yes, I knew that God would take care of us, I knew that He heard my pleas and prayers, but I still struggled with the fears of what would happen to us.  It is hard even now that the storm is over to talk about it, but I know that it is important for me to share and so I am determined to do that.  I want to share how God has always been faithful to us even in those dark uncertain days. 

Over the next few days I am committed to updating the blog with a recap of the years events and sharing along the way some of those moments. 

So, here is a recap of January-March of 2013


The year started off with Jack playing basketball.  He had so much fun!  We loved watching him play and J was even able to catch a game before he had to leave for his school.

In January, Madeline got to have a yummy ice cream date with her precious teacher.  She enjoyed it so very much. 

Also in January was awards day at school.  Jack got an award for honor roll.


February continued to be a busy month for us as well.

Madeline joined a competition cheer team. The team had their first performance in February. 

Also in February, J was able to come home for a nice long weekend.
Here are the kids awaiting daddy to arrive at the airport"

Running to get daddy as soon as they spotted him:

During the weekend visit the kids and J had a silly string fight - how fun is that?


March kicked off baseball season at our house.  Jack played on a travel ball team and he had so much fun.  We traveled to some great places.  It was so much fun "tail gating" and watching my boy play his favorite sport.

We got a small, very small amount of snow:

Madi and I spent an afternoon making crafts:
We had a strong wind and rain storm that swept through our area in March...the storm left us without power for several days, but we did not mind having dinner by candlelight:

Also in March, I took over as being the choreographer/sponsor for the local high school dance line.  I enjoyed my time with these girls so much!  Below is a picture of one the practice days leading up to the try outs.

Well, there is recap part 1...the first three months of  2013.  Back tomorrow with part 2 :)

1 comment:

  1. LOVE! I have been slacking as well! I need to get back into it! I love your blog so much. This year there will be so much for you to blog about!!
