Friday, January 3, 2014

Recapping 2013 part 2

As promised, I am back to continue with the recapping of 2013. 

This time I am recapping April - June

Those three months proved to be just as busy as the months before.  Jack in baseball, Madeline in cheerleading/tumbling, me with danceline and subbing, and J still gone to school. 


April started off with J getting another long weekend pass to be able to come for Easter

Jack continued on with playing on a travel ball team.  He (and I ) were having such a fun time.  There was some over night traveling involved and some long weekends but it was so very much fun.

Madeline continued in her tumbling class and on the competition cheer team.  The team she is on had another performance in April

And to round out the month, I went with some of my dear friends from high school to the Jimmy Buffett concert.  It was so much fun! 


May brought about another performance for the cheer team Madeline is on

We celebrated mothers day

J completed his class

May was the best of all the end of it....daddy came home!

May also brought the end of the school year for the kids

And can you guess...Jack played some more baseball.  He even played in a wood bat tournament which was so cool!
Here's my boy playing catcher

Madeline had her end of season performance

whew... May was a busy month!


June was a little more low key for us.  Travel ball had finished up and Madeline did not have any performances going on.  J was home and everything was just as it should be....except that he still did not have a job. 

When his previous job ended in December, we really did not stress too much (ok maybe a little) We knew that he would be gone to school and during that time would be getting a pay check. And we thought surely during that 6 months, he will find a job.  But he did not.  Sadly, he did not.  So June was a hard month not only because income was gone (for our single income family) we had no idea just how long that status would continue.  A lot of tears were shed by me in June and a lot of prayers were said too.  I will say that even though these difficulties were in front of us, I trusted in the plan that God had made for us.  I knew that He always had His best in mind for us, but sometimes in the midst of the storm it is hard to hold on that knowledge.  Sometimes, unfortunately, fear and worry can take its ugly toll on you. So I really tried to put my focus on trusting in His timetable.

During June, I had a dance camp at a friend's studio for the dance line I taught.  It was a fun, busy, productive week!

To celebrate us all surviving the week, we went out to dinner.  These girls are so silly but my absolute favorites!

During June we were able to honor J for Father's day...which also happened to land on our anniversary. 

Some dear friends of ours gave us tickets, parking pass, and meal vouchers to Six flags.  We surprised the kids with the trip.  We opened the park and closed it down.  It was a blast! 

We also celebrated J's birthday.  He requested a cookie cake - which I have never made before.  So I found a recipe on Pinterest, baked it up, and let Madeline decorate it. 

We enjoyed the month of June so much having J home with us and making up for lost time while he was gone.  J continued applying for jobs during the month.  At times it felt like a never ending process, but we continued trusting that God was going to open the right door for our family.

Alright, part 2 is complete.  Will return after the weekend for part 3. 


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