Today I am participating in the Mil Spouse Blog Hop

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A little bit about me:
My name is Jessica. I am a thirty-something (oh my goodness, when did that happen??? ha) I am married to Jason. We are high school sweethearts who have been together 16 years and married for almost 9 of those. Jason has been in the Army Reserves since 2002. We have 2 children. Jack is 5 and Madi is 3. I have a degree in psychology but after having Jack decided to be a SAHM...and I love it (most of the time) (=
So far we have survived 2 deployments and are currently preparing for Jason to begin #3 (another 400 day deployment) in the VERY near future. I look forward to "meeting" other mil spouses!
thanks for stopping by my blog! following you back :-)
Pssshhhh....I already follow you...beacuse your rad! Stopping by again from the milspouse hop! My blog is called, Goodnight moon! See ya there!
Thanks for visiting my blog earlier. I see from your sidebar that you married your high school sweetheart -- I did the same thing. :-)
To the Nth, via the MilSpouse Blog Hop
http://tothenth.wordpress.com *** @ToTheNth
Super cute blog! Hope you have a great day! Stopped by from the blog hop!
Wow, you aren't very far away from me! I'm staying in Alabama while my husband is deployed! I stopped by from the blog hop, and I can't wait to read more!
love your blog! Following you back!
Thanks for stopping by today, it's nice to "meet" you!
And I totally hear you on the 30-something thing (sigh), it really does sneak up on you!
Hi there,
Just started following you, can't wait to read more.
Thanks for linking up on the blog hop! Looks like you're meeting some great people. You know I'm already a follower...just wanted to say hi. Happy hopping!
what a cute blog. i can not wait to poke around later
Thanks for stopping by my blog! Your kids are dollfaces. Really! I cannot wait to get to know you a little bette :)
Glad I found your blog. I'm so amazed at the similarities between Guard/Reserves/AD families! I look forward to learning from your experiences! (courtesy of the MilSpouse Blog Hop)
Mrs Somarriba at
You have a really cute blog! Can't wait to read more.
Hello fellow Southerner and SEC fan! :) We have strong ties to Auburn and Alabama, too. Nice to meet you! I look forward to reading your blog!
Thank you for stopping by my blog and for following. :-) I'll be following along with you in the future.
Hope you have a great weekend!
Thanks for hopping over to visit my blog. I'm now a follower of yours. =) You have a gorgeous family. My prayers will be with you as your prep for deployment.
Thank you for stopping by my blog.
What an adorable family you have. :D
Hugs on the upcoming deployment, I'm now following and if you ever need a shoulder or ear to rant in I'm here. :D
I am getting my degree in psychology as well... but I think I'll stay a SAHM instead of getting my masters as I had planned.
Can't wait to see what you have to say. I also enjoy scrapbooking. :)
thxs for stopping by my blog; following you too from the HOP! take care xx
Hey!! Just found your blog via the blog hop. I can't wait to start reading. consider me a follower :)
I found you from the Blog Hop. Nice to "meet" you :) I love meeting new MilSpouses. Come visit over in my area (and if you'd like me to add you to my military blog roll, just let me know!).
Found you thru the bloghop! I look forward to reading more! Your blog is too cute!
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