
Saturday, April 17, 2010

Take Me Out To The Ballgame

J and I took the kids to the Braves vs Rockies baseball game last night. It was so much fun!!! The kids loved every thing about it...especially the fireworks! J and I watched the kids during the fireworks show and commented that the smiles on their faces was made it all worth really is! Their smiles was exactly what I needed to see ;) Of course the Braves winning the game helped too! =)

Here are some pictures of our trip to the game:

J with the kids

trying to get the kids to pose

The kids and me

J and the kids

again...trying to get the kids to pose =)

Madi and me enjoying the game.

Jack and J

Madi showing off her new Braves ball cap

Jack sporting his new cap

J and the kids =)





Great fireworks show!!!

Below is a video of J and Jack doing "the Chop" Jack LOVED doing this!!! (ignore Madi having a fit...she can't find her "thing" aka tomahawk)



Nancy said...

Great pictures! So glad you had a good time! Lots of Love!

The Allen Family said...

how fun!!!

every time i read your posts i see all of these fun things we have to look forward to :)

LeighAnne said...

How sweet. My parents use to take us to see the Braves play when we were growing up and they are some of my favorite memories!!! :) What a wonderful family outing!!!

My Army Brats and Me said...

Looks like you all had tons of fun:) Hope you check out my giveaway and share with your followers:)

Karren said...

How fun! I've always wanted to go to a Braves game!