It all started off with a party at Jack's school. It was a lot of fun and I know that he enjoyed it a lot. On Saturday, we woke up to goody baskets from mommy and daddy. After that we headed off to the 2nd of 3 egg hunts. The kids had a lot of fun even though it came a quick rain shower while we were in the middle of the field. (lucky for us we were not to far from a shed) After the egg hunt, we went to Jack's t-ball game. Again...I could not stop laughing. These games are just great =) I am so glad that Jack is enjoying playing. After the game we came home and made cupcakes for our Easter meal. For Easter we decided to attend my in-laws church. J wanted to do this since he will not be here for Easter next year. (I am glad that we were all able to be together this year) After church we went to my in-laws house for our was DELICIOUS! There was so much food...and I ate until I made myself miserable (but how can you not) So I am making up for it this week (or at least trying to)
In the midst of all the running around we did, I wanted to make sure that the children realized and understood exactly what Easter is all about. It is so easy to get caught up in the activities and not take the time to reflect on the ultimate sacrifice that was made for us. We talked about it a lot with the kids. Jack is understanding it a lot more now and is asking questions. I like that...he is asking questions because he is wanting to get a better understanding. Madi, well Madi just repeats what she is told. I even heard Jack and her talking about Jesus on the cross.
Jack: "sissy, Jesus died on the cross"
Madi: "yep, He sure did"
Jack: "He died for our sins, so that we can spend eternity with Him"
Madi: "Oh heaven"
When I hear this I think...ok maybe they are getting it. Maybe they really do listen to me and not look at me like I am speaking some kind of foreign language to them.
Below are some pictures of our weekend...prepare for picture overload as usual =)

Class picture with the bunny

Hearing the REAL story of Easter using the resurrection eggs.

Baskets of goodies from mommy and daddy. We gave the kids their goodies on Saturday morning so we could all enjoy them and not be rushed trying to get ready for church. It worked out good for us. We also made beignets for breakfast...oh they were so good and reminded me of many fun trips to New Orleans and the French Quarter =)

destroyed in 2 seconds flat

Ready for the egg hunt


Madi (I've had some people ask where I got this is a yard sale find...I paid $1 for it! All it needed was a button sewn on the top.)

Riding the train with our friend Lillie

after the egg hunt

Jack had a t-ball game over the weekend. His team did sooo good! They won! Jack played 2nd base this time. He also got a hit at every bat (including one off the catapult)

My precious babies...they actually look like the get along in this picture huh?

Just the 4 of us

The 4 of us with my in-laws aka Granna and Pops

J with the kids

The kids and me

Madi and me

Jack and me

Cute little bunny shaped treats that Granna made for the kiddos.

Cupcakes the kids and I made.

Jack hunting eggs at Granna and Pops house.

Madi hunting eggs at Granna and Pops house. (also got this dress at a yard sale for $1 and nothing was wrong with it)

My family =)
Love all the Easter pictures. ANd your blue dress is so cute! Looks great with your hair and complexion. :)
Love the conversation about Easter that your kids had...sweet!
Great pictures, Jess. Your kids are getting it!! That's because you are always telling everyone about God, whether it be in your blog, by phone, in person & your kids hear that daily & I think you are an amazing Mom & friend. You don't judge others, you are just unconditional & I am so thankful to know & love you!
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