The kids had a great time playing on the inflatable slide and jumping castle. My brother Jeremy was there as well (he and Jason are in the same reserve unit) so it was great to spend some time with him (and to have someone to talk to).

Uncle Jeremy with Jackson and Madeline
I know I have blogged before about my conversations with Jackson and how much he truly is a source of joy in my life (especially on difficult days) Last night I had to have the dreaded conversation with him about where we were going today. I needed to explain to him that we were going to an Army family day, but that daddy would not be there even though other soldiers would be. Here is the conversation...
Me: Jackson, when you get up in the morning we are going to an Army Family Day
Jackson: "0k mommy, will I get to play?"
Me: Yes you will buddy. Jackson there will be soldiers there and some may even wear a uniform like daddy does, but daddy will not be there. Do you understand?
Jackson: "yes mommy, daddy will not be there"
Me: Do you know where daddy is Jack?
Jackson: "yes mommy" (and he proceeded to tell me where his daddy is)
Me: Do you know why daddy is over there?
Jackson: "yes mommy, he is protecting our country"...Mommy
Me: yes Jack
Jackson: "I love my daddy a lot"
Ok I am crying again just replaying the conversation in my mind.
Jason ~ we love you so much and I am so glad that we were able to attend the family day today in your honor to let everyone know how very much we love you and how very proud of you that we are!
Hearing Jackson's conversation with you this morning was so sweet. He remembered everything you talked about last night. You have such sweet babies!! Please Please Please don't ask me to go to the Christmas party!! :)
Thanks for that good cry.
Don't you worry about all those people just staring at you. You don't have the plague..maybe your beauty intimidated them. :)
The kids had fun and thats all that matters.
Jason-we are so proud of you! Thank you for keeping our country safe!
I say ditto to Aimee's comment completely even though I don't know her..
About the cry and I definitely think it was your beauty and especially about thanking Jason for what he is doing.
Thanks to your whole family for your sacrifice.
Hey girl,
We have to get this blog re-done! :) Email me some pics and I will get going. I hope you are having a good week. Cute pics of you and the kids! You are my War Wife, Stay at home mom Hero!!
Hey Jess- it is your long lost friend Beka White! Janet has told me about your & Aimee's blogs & I just got time to look you up- I sitting here crying! Thanks! Even though I have not seen or talked to you in a long time, you have been in my prayers-and will continue to be, but through this I will know more of what to pray. I can not beleive how brave Jackson was giong to pre- school. I can not beleive how much they have grown! lots of love- Beka
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