Tomorrow is a very big day for our country. We will go to the polls to vote for our next President. History will be made tomorrow no matter which candidate is elected. Be it the first female vice president or the first African American president. But history has already been made-God already knows the outcome of the race -He alone chose that before the foundation of the world. With that I find such great comfort. It is already decided...God in His sovereignty and infinite wisdom decided that. Of course I pray that the candidate I am voting for is elected, but if not I can take great comfort in knowing that God has a bigger plan than I could ever understand. He is sovereign and He alone ordained the outcome of this election. I will however pray for the man that is chosen to because he faces many great obstacles and the eyes of the world will be upon him. Even more so are the eyes going to be upon him to fail so that he can be criticized.
Please vote tomorrow, but before you vote please pray! Pray for direction in who to vote for.
In the Spirit of Voting, I am holding my own little "election" here. No, I am not running for anything...this is just something fun I want to do :)
Thursday the kiddos have pictures with Santa Claus...(Ok I hope Madeline will go to Santa...we shall see) I am new to the world of fixing little girl hair. Poor Madeline has my hair...which means it has a mind of its own. I can not decide which way for her to wear her hair. So I took pictures and I am going to let you, my bloggy friends, vote. That means you have to leave me a comment to cast your vote :)
Here are the choices:

Picture A - ponytail on top of the head with a bow

Picture B - bow on the side of the head
So leave me a comment and say Picture A or Picture B.
Thanks everyone!!! Get out and vote tomorrow!
i like the first one
Picture A......hope the pictures go well.
Hey Jess, I like picture A also. But you can't go wrong with a face like that!! She is so cute! Hope you guys are feeling better now.
I still haven't forgot abaout us going to the movies. Don't give up on me!
I like the first one best, but the second one is you made over.
Love MeMe
My favorite is photo B. Maybe we can pull through before the very end :o)
Oh Jessica, Madeline is so cute I like them both. :) But if I had to choose I like A. I just like little girl's with their hair fixed like that. Thanks for posting about the importance and privilage of our elections tomorrow. I totally agree with you sweetie. Have a great week. Hugs, LA
I like both. Sorry, I can't pick.
She is too cute!
I vote for A! She couldn't be any cuter either way though!
I vote for Picture A. But lets be honest. By the end of the pictures we both know Santa will be wearing the bow!
I think I would have to see the dress and all, but I like the first, your hubby said the first one and I think whatever he says should go.... :-)
Oh my word! It's just not right! She's grown so much!!! I like the first one too!
hey jess, i like the first picture, 'a'. this just makes me wish i had a little girl to put a bow in her head! ;) mine like to wear my headands but clay always makes them take them out before we go out the door!
the last one was by me, janet goff...i was signed in under the wrong blogger name. sorry!
Sorry, I had a misspelled word and I'm sorta persnickety about, so I deleted my first comment. Anyhoo-I like the first one the best! What a cute little dumpling!
my vote is for picture B, but she'll be precious either way- she's a cutie!!! have fun :)
Picture A!
OMG, the 2nd picture looks just like you!!!!!! I do like Picture A hairdo best though!!! Love you
I like the first one too- (A) good luck with the pics- you can give me some pointers for our pics!! love ya
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