We are on fall break this week and we are all loving it!!!
The weather is so nice and cool...we actually had to turn our heater on in the evening - I can not ever remember doing that this early in October. Ah, but by the end of the week it will be back in the 80s. Only in the south can you run heat and a/c in the same week ;)
We have been so busy lately with school, me subbing, Jack in travel baseball, and Madeline in gymnastics that I have not had time to do anything else...not even blog. I have wanted to blog, but just have not had the time. So I plan to try and "catch up" some this week before our schedules have us running like crazy again :)
I am enjoying the slow mornings...kids sleeping in...no rushing...just a little time for me to have a quiet time and try to process some things that are going on in our lives. I am enjoying spending time with the kids.
To start the week off, J received free tickets to the Nascar race through a wonderful organization, IAVA. He took Jack and our friends Kenny and Charlie. They had a blast! I am so glad these 2 daddy's were able to have some fun memory-making time with their sons.
Here are the guys before they left for the races:
Jack and Charlie (are they not the cutest boys ever!):
Jack at the race. J said their seats were great and they could see the whole track!:
Madeline has been battling a virus and Monday was the first day she was able to get out of the bed. I was so glad she was finally feeling better. We had lunch on the deck and enjoyed playing around outside for a bit.
Today, we plan to pack a picnic and head to the park. Have I mentioned how much I am enjoying fall break???
Hope everyone is having a wonderful week!