Jackson, Jason and Madeline riding the carosel at the mall.

Watching a football game...(no worries I have not converted to be a Bama fan it is just a red shirt.)

Jason and the kids watching football...Madeline had apparently gotten in to the snacks :)

Family photo op at my mom's birthday party.

Sweet kisses from my wonderful husband :)
The past 2 weeks have been absolutely wonderful! But of course they have flown by.
We have had so much fun watching football, christmas shopping, going to see Santa (ok maybe that was not so much fun), and today we were able to go to the park for a picnic (gotta love Alabama weather ~ 70 in Dec.) Unfortunately our time is winding down and I am trying so hard to be strong. Have I not already been through this before??? Why do I have to do this again??? How do we help the kids understand??? How do I drive my husband to the airport AGAIN and say BYE AGAIN? I know that we have only a few months to go and that we have already survived 10 months...so whats a few more months? Its a few more months of emptyiness, a few more months of loneliness, a few more months of missing out on the kids lives...it is so much.
Thank you so much all my friends out in "blog world" for your continuous prayers for my family. I ask that you join me in praying for my family. Please pray for our strength. Pray for the kids understanding. Pray for continued safety.
love you all
It is so great to see all of your smiling faces! Our family will be lifting you all up to the Lord, I know this time won't be any easier. Please let us know of your needs. We love you.
Girl, you are tugging at my heartstrings! I've thought about you all so much this week! I will continue to keep ya'll in my prayers! Tell Jason thank you for keeping us ALL safe!!!! He is a hero:o)
Praying for your stength- enjoy these last few days and tell jason he is on our fridge and y'all are remembered daily!!! love you!
I will be praying! Give Jason my thanks for serving our country so proudly. He may not know me but he should know how much his committment and dedication means to strangers and friends alike! God bless ya'll.
I love you girl and I am so happy that your family has had this time together. Thank you for sharing all the pictures. I loved all the pics from Christmas Day. :) So glad Santa was able to accommodate your very special request. Praying for you and Jason and the kids as he departs. Hold on honey, just a few more weeks. You are so brave. You are my hero.
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