Over the last few days I have spent some time reflecting over 2011. What a year it was. Of course the biggest event for us was the end of our 3rd deployment. There were other events that took place in 2011 as well...some good, some hard, some challenging. Each event though, I believe, was an opportunity for me to grow and learn. As I said, I have been thinking about each of those things and I am working on a year in review post (I will have it up soon)
As I was reflecting over 2011, I came up with my goals for 2012. I know many people do not believe in making resolutions or goals, but for me personally I see nothing wrong with putting out there what I want to do and what better way to keep myself accountable than to put it on here. :)
Here are my goals for 2012:
1. Spiritual - I am starting another bible study in my home in a couple weeks. I really enjoyed leading studies last year and plan to continue with leading studies this year. I have enjoyed how challenging it was for me. I have loved the relationships that I formed through the studies. I have enjoyed watching other women grow and have a closer relationship with Christ. I have loved the "jewels" I have learned from God's precious word and look forward to digging even deeper and learning so much more. I want to my desires to be His, I want Him to direct my path - not me...I want Him to be my leader - all the time. Ultimately, I want to bring honor to His name in everything I do.
2. Church - part of growing spiritually for me is to get involved in church again. Many of you know that my family is visiting churches. We are praying for God to lead us where He wants our family. I am praying that we find the church that we can all grow and serve in. There are a lot of great churches in our area and we know that the right one is out there for us.
3. Exercise - I love to exercise. I love to go to zumba. I have decided to step up my exercising a little more this year. So far so good..yay! I start my mornings off with a 2 mile run/walk on the treadmill. Then I finish it off with an hour zumba class. I feel great. J says I am going to start weight training with him...we will see. He and I do not make good work out partners...he is tough! Of course I know tough is what I need. :)
4. Weight loss - yuck - I lost 34 pounds in 2011! Yay me! BUT then Jason came home...I did not exercise like I was...we ate a lot...I gained 10 pounds...yuck! but I know I can and I will get it off again! I got back on the health train with the new year and I know I will reach my goal this year and be done with it...done. I look forward to getting to that point where I can say I have reached my goal. I plan to keep the blog updated on my weight loss. Accountability right?
5. Blog - I did not keep it updated last year like I wanted to. So often I wanted to share, but there was just not enough time or enough of me to keep it updated like I wanted to. I am hoping to do a better job with the blog this year.
6. Take a class - I got a wonderful new camera for Christmas. I have no idea how to use it other than point and click. I know it can do soooo much more. I want to learn how to. I want to take a photography class. My friend Shannon and I plan to do this. No, I am not trying to become a photographer. I just want to know how to use my camera and take great pictures of my family. :)
7. My mom gave me a life book, called The Story of A Lifetime, for Christmas. Its basically a huge leather bound journal with pre-printed statements and questions at the beginning of each entry and I can fill it out. I think it is wonderful and I look forward to filling it out. Maybe one day my children (and grandchildren) will enjoy reading it. My goal is to start filling it in.
8. Supporting military wives - I have a special place in my heart for military spouses. I want to serve them and encourage them. My time, for now, as an FRG co-leader is over because J is moving on to a new unit so I will not be able to serve in that capacity, but I look forward to meeting the spouses at his new unit. I still plan to check in on the old unit though - how can I not, we were there for 10 years. Many of the ladies in my bible study are also military spouses so I will be able to remain connected with them in that way.
My heart is with Wives of Faith and I have meet so many fantastic ladies. At Wives of Faith the passion is to connect, encourage and support the Military Wife. That is my passion too! That is why I love serving Wives of Faith as the MemberCare Director. I am also looking forward to the Tour of Duty Live! event coming up in May. This is an event you do not want to miss especially if you are in the midst of a deployment or preparing for one soon.
Well, there are my goals for 2012. Now, help me stay accountable :)
Do you make goals or resolutions?

Those sound like great goals! We just recently decided on a church. It was hard but now everything feels right. What kind of camera did you get?
thank you Julie!
I am glad your family found a church. I am looking forward to my family finding the church for us to fit into. :)
The camera I got is a canon eos 60d...I love it. Now I just need to figure it out :)
Have a wonderful day!
So excited about your new church journey!! Any church is lucky to have your family there if you ask me!
You were the one that got me blogging, so I have you to thank. Maybe with Jason home, you will be able to blog more.
My goals are to eat 1/2 of what's on my plate instead of a plate & a half! HA! You are always inspiring to me.
I love you, friend. I love the fact that you let nothing get in your way & you keep going non-stop. You are a friend that is there for others in difficult times & just not so difficult times. I hope you have the best year yet!
What Bible study are you doing? I am getting ready to lead The Frazzled Female. I NEVER thought I would lead a study, but this is my 3rd! God has bigger and better plans.
Nancy - your are so precious to me! thank you for your sweet words! love you friend!
Natasha - we are going to study "Jonah -Navigating a Life Interrupted" by Priscilla Shirer. I am excited about it. We are thinking of doing the Frazzled Female next. Please tell me how your study goes! =)
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