Little Miss is loving her time on the beach =)

Jack spends his whole day building sandcastles and digging holes.

Jack and Madi waiting to eat at Lambert's

Madeline and Meme

Madeline giving me sweet kisses.

Madeline giving daddy sweet kisses.

My sweet little Jack.

Madeline, Jason, and Jack

Madeline and daddy

Jack and daddy
And now for the little extra...
My friends Aimee and Jami are about to embark on a great journey. They are going to spend a week in the Ukraine working in an orphanage. They are both so excited about this trip and very passionate about adoption. I am so excited for them and even more excited to see how Christ is going to reveal Himself to them during this trip. They have started a blog (link on the right under Aimee and Jami) I encourage you to please read their blog, follow their journey, and most importantly be in prayer for them and the people with whom they will soon be meeting. Pray for God to already be preparing the hearts of the orphans with whom they will be meeting and also to be preparing Aimee and Jami.
In order for Aimee and Jami to take this trip, it is going to take some fundraising to raise all the money they will be needing. Between now and the time that my friends leave, I am going to be saving all profit from tastefully simple sales to give them to help them with fundraising. If you would like to host a party, please contact me soon because there are only limited dates available. Thank you!
I am speechless...you are a sweetheart! Thank you for your support and thank you for being such a great friend.
Enjoy your beach vacation. Great family pictures!
Much, much love to you.
Thank you! You are too kind.
I am blessed to call you my friend!
You look like you are having such a good time on vacation. :) I see you wore your "take out the trash" dress. LOL. What was she thinking...you look hot! Green IS your color!
Have fun..but hurry home.
I love Madeline's blue outfit she wore to Lamberts! Too cute! Have fun and be safe!
Looks like you are all having a great time! Soak up some sun & have fun!
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