Having everyone at our house for breakfast was wonderful, watching the kids open their presents was fantastic, being spoiled by our families was great, BUT the biggest and bestest gift of all was the gift of our Savior. What an amazing gift!
On Christmas eve, we sat out cookies and milk for Santa. Left water for the reindeer. And made sure the fireplace screen was open and ready...but my most favorite part of that night was the kids and I sitting with Jason as he read the REAL Christmas story to us. The kids really enjoyed it too. I loved to watch them as they listened to Jason read the story to them and I enjoyed answering their questions. It was such a sweet time =)
Below are some pictures of our Christmas time.

A plate of cookies and fudge for Santa...Santa really likes fudge =)

I love that sweet smile

Jack and Chase

Madeline, granddaddy (my dad) and Jack

Madeline got some groceries for her new kitchen

Jack got an army set

Santa left the kids lots of goodies =)

Madeline said, "Wow look at all this"

When Jack saw his presents he said, "I must have been good this year!"

YIPPEE! The Headquarters!
Quick story to share that really melts my heart...When Jack was asked "what was your favorite gift" He said "That my daddy was home and I got a GI Joe headquarters" We are all so THANKFUL that Jason was with us on Christmas day this year!

Madeline modeling some of her new princess attire. When she opened her princess dress up stuff, she said in a whisper voice "this is beautiful"

Jack helping J open his presents

J got a new print

Madeline cooking up some yummy goodness in her new kitchen

Jack and Granna

YAY!!! We got a new coffee maker!

Pops (Jason's dad) working off his breakfast on the stairmaster

Uncle Zach (Jason's brother)

More princess stuff =)

GI Joe...we love some joe's around here

Mamaw Ann (Jason's grandmother) She is so sweet...she made the kids each a sock monkey and Madi a quilt.

Oh boy~ a riprider!

Madeline, Uncle Jeremy, and Jack

Uncle Jeremy trying to rider the riprider...he did not get very far =) Oh and ladies, yes, he is single ;)

Madeline got some food for her new kitchen

yay! a GI Joe!
I hope that everyone has had a great Christmas!
Hello! Just surfing the web this morning and found you. :)
What a wonderful Christmas you appeared to have had.
Blessings to you and your family in the coming new year.
I'm telling you - our Christmas's were so similar. Kenlee got that kitchen in red & the same groceries. Logan got the razor rider like that.
I'm so thankful you all got to be together. Yes, Jeremy looks a lot different than he did in the early 90's :)
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