Today, I am remembering those who have fought and fallen in defense of this great nation. "Thank you" just does not seem sufficient...
Please remember that today is not about grilling or shopping or swimming, but a day to pay repsect to the brave men and women who sacrificed everything for our freedom.
It is so hard to believe that my little boy just hit another milestone in his life. He has completed the journey of pre-school and soon will be stepping into the world of "big school"
Last week was a week full of graduation festivities. Below are some pictures:
The kids and I before the service.
Jack walking up to receive his bible.
Jack and Pastor Barry
The kids before graduation
The kids and I before graduation.
My Big Boy
Jack receiving his diploma
I am one proud mommy ;)
The family celebrating Jack's graduation...we sure did miss Jason!
Jack with Pops and Granna
Jack with Nana and Chase
Our little graduate =)
On the last day of school, the kids had fun day (complete with ice cream!) FUN DAY:
Jack with his buddies.
The kids and I at Fun Day
We are ready to enjoy our summer and I am going to try to prepare for sending my little boy to "big" school :(
If you have been reading my blog then you probably know I am very passionate about supporting milspouses. I enjoy meeting other milspouses and reading other milspouse blogs...reading about the ups and downs of military life. I think about these women often and I am in prayer for them. For a while now, I have really been feeling the pull to serve milspouses in some way and have been praying about what direction it may be that I would best serve these special ladies. A couple weeks ago I was contacted by Sara Horn the founder of Wives Of Faith with an offer from the Wives Of Faith Board of Directors to serve as their new Member Care Director. (wow!!!!) I was beyond excited! How amazing is it that God has opened a door, not me. I talked this over with Jason because he understands how important this is to me. He was excited for me too and encouraged me to do it! (I love that man!) So, I accepted! I am so excited to serve as the new Member Care Director for Wives Of Faith! I have so many ideas floating around in my head! Could you do me a favor though? Would you be in prayer for me and all of the team at Wives Of Faith as we plan over the next couple months. I would really appreciate that.
If you are not familiar with Wives Of Faith, please click HERE to link over to the website. It is full of wonderful articles to encourage us all in our journey of military life. (and so much more, just go check it out)
To read the official article about this exciting news, please click HERE
Jack played his last t-ball game the other night. I can't believe how quickly our season went. Since it was Jack's last game, I of course was camera crazy (imagine that) Here are a few from the game:
My sweet little man before his last game.
Playing 2nd base...he looks focused huh? He made a really good play here! (yea, I am the mom that jumped up and down and clapped) =)
Lil Miss showing her team spirit.
Helmet on, ready to bat
Warming up...he got to bat 3 times this game and got a hit all 3 times =)
Game over (we tied) Time to go high-5 the other team
So sad that this t-ball season is over =( We have really enjoyed it especially Jack! Looking forward to next year!
Yesterday, my friend Kim and I went to "Line the streets in love" to show support for a fallen soldier from our area. The viewing was yesterday so we wanted to show our support and sincerest respect by standing at the Church with our flags. It was a rainy (and at time lightening) day, but that did not deter the supporters from coming out. I will say that I am very proud at the attendance from our church. We had the entire entrance to the church covered as well as across the street. There were no signs of the hate spewing idiots from Westboro so that was good. Praying for the same today as this hero is layed to rest.
My precious friend, JENIFER, has some excellent pictures on her blog of the procession from Saturday as well as a great she says, I am so thankful to live in a small community that embraces each other and is there to lift and support during times like this.
Below are a couple pictures I snapped before the service began.
If you look close, you can see the Patriot Guard Riders coming thru on their way to the church for the viewing.
Sam, a little boy who goes to church with us, standing at the entrance of the church.
Some men from our church, Chad and Jordan, holding a flag at the entrance of the church.
Jeff and Laura folding a sign of support.
Click HERE to link over to a wonderful video from a local tv station.
Thank you to all the men and women in uniform, past and present, who are defenders of our freedom.
You may remember from a previous post, that I mentioned a soldier from our area that my brother grew up with and I remember from the neighborhood was KIA in Afghanistan. ( Capt. Kyle Comfort) Click HERE to link over to the video and story on a local tv station. Today his body was flown into the airport and the Patriot Guard Riders escorted him along with his family and friends safely back home from the airport. Along the route they took, people from all over stood alongside the road to show we support our hero. My family and I went today to watch this was amazing...moved beyond words and full of tears. My hubby says he believes there was easily 200+ patriot guard....amazing! There are still a couple more events for us to show our support...and trust me we will be there. Below is a picture of the riders...its from my camera phone...just could not bring out the camera (so excuse the quality)
Please keep this precious young man's family in your prayers. Pray for God to shower them with grace and peace. To comfort them in this most difficult time.
Also please pray for the funeral services. The idiots from Westboro are going to be there. My prayer is that they will not show up, but if they do that there will be so many supporters in attendance those idiots will never be seen or heard. Pray for this to be a peaceful time where NO ATTENTION is given to those idiots and all focus is on honoring a fallen soldier who deserves nothing but respect.
I will leave you with this video from Ray Stevens called "Thank You"
We love fresh veggies! I especially love when those fresh veggies come from our own garden...just something neat about knowing that what we eat, we grew =) We planted a garden last year and it did "ok" We got a lot of beans and okra but that is it. None and I am none of the root veggies we planted produced. It was weird. So we just enjoyed a lot of beans and okra. This year, we attempted the garden again. We planted it in a different direction to see if that may do the trick. Jason tilled it up and he and the kids went to work planting. We planted corn, several types of beans, okra, squash, lettuce, pumpkin, mustard greens, and of course tomatoes. We also planted in containers some herbs and peppers. Jason has this idea that I am going to be spending the summer canning and freezing...guess I need to call my grandmother because it's been a long time since I have done that and I can't remember =) I so hope that the garden produces this year. If not I guess we will turn to a container garden because I think its our soil out here.
Below are some pictures of the J and the kids planting the garden. We planted about a month ago and we are already seeing some growth, so fingers crossed it will produce =) I will update and let you know.
Not quite wordless...almost wordless The kids love to play in the water's fun, keeps them entertained, and keeps them cool on hot days. The kids have discovered that water hose + dirt = MUD! They LOVE to play in the mud! It is sooo funny to watch them (not quite as much fun to clean it up though) Below are some pictures after an afternoon in the mud:
Not to long ago, Jack's pre-school had a day where daddy's could come to school (with a hammer) and help the kids build birdhouses. Each child was allowed to make one and bring it home =) I am so thankful that J was able to be at this event...he is going to miss out on so much (again) so I am thankful he could go this day and help Jack. Of course, J did not want to take the camera so there are no pictures of the making of the birdhouse, but there are pictures of them hanging it.
J getting the birdhouse prepared to hang.
Jack taking a turn hanging the birdhouse.
Madeline's turn to help.
I love that look on his face of concentration.
I love how Madi is hanging on to J with one arm and using the other for the birdhouse.
Jack sitting on daddy's shoulders hanging the birdhouse.
The finished product =) Can't wait to see if we get any new inhabitants.
Now for the link...In my post yesterday, I mentioned that someone my brother was good friends with (and I remember from the neighborhood) was KIA over the weekend. Click HERE to link over to the article. Please be in prayer for this family.